Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I was watching things vanish in real time.

My main take away was transphobes are bad and whataboutism isn’t changing that.

I thought I was finally losing it with how posts were happening.

Oh yeah, 100%. I just felt like pointing out a few things, despite the fact that some pretend they never happened.

Give it a rest :roll_eyes:

Stop trying to climb a hill and most will give it a final rest.

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Hey. Guys. Shut up.


I’m not climbing a hill LOL Now shut up because you’re disturbing this thread, ok?

As of today, I have now reached 50k words in my novel. Started it 22nd of March, so ~3 months. Just another 3 months and I’ll be finished. Maybe. We’ll see.


What’s it about, if I may be so bold?

More like it disturbs you, not the thread. You are the one who came in, once again, full-on defensive, after a meme post. You do realise I will not reply to it as soon as you stop trying to pretend you never did something… It is as simple as that.

It isn’t Twitter, stop treating it as one.

Lesbian romance in a post-mostly-apocalypse.

Also the Vatican is evil. My JRPG roots betray me yet again.


Just put each other on ignore guys.


u rn

i wish it would’ve actually done something, as vaxir’s existence is still looming in “hidden messages”

another peeve, if anything

I did. Idk what that person’s problem is rn tbf. Gues they just wanna cause needless drama :person_shrugging:

Edit: I’m stuck on what to have for dinner and it’s annoying.

Cry me a river, Vaxir

Uhm sweaty that’s misandry and as a dedicated #meninist I don’t approve of that.

pondering the trout population


I have free time.
And the warmth has returned. Not Hot, just warm. Uncomfortable enough to be offputting. Uuuugh.

great mid-range food until you can reliably get lobsters going, 7HP is a lot for a while

monkfish is the ideal mid-range food before you upgrade to sharks

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