Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

your bloodline is weak and you will not survive the winter

Then we must agree to disagree.


wait, I gaslit myself into thinking you were binx

you are both blocky femme undead rn


We can also be clownish masc undead, so I’ll allow it.

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nah, I’m good on what I’ll do next patch which is; just level alts and do whatever I feel like, which is what I have done the whole expansion.

EDIT: Also I know I RP a Dark Ranger but I am technically an elf–

NVM, I am forever this armour set regardless of what horror lurks beneath.

Slam down that unga bunga fury warrior.

No game, playing without a demon on my zandalari lock is fine because she’s more a witch but my OG undead lock? He wants his fel hunter.

Stranger Things DLC is back on Dead by Daylight.

I can’t help but feel a little sad for the people who spent up to 200$ on it beforehand just to get the Demogorgon during the time it was unavailable.

Jokes on them, I blew like 50 quid on the game before we lost them all just to get the skins I wanted.

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But I only want the boots form the warrior set ;_;



One thing I realise I can finally do after blizzards lies about DF trials is I can actually make an Evoker when I resub for the new expacs.


…Then play the class the set of which you want the most!

That would just boost the dps of a friend into even scarier areas.

I do enjoy DK but usually not as my main, this is my issue

There is no freedom anymore. There is only Cube.

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Got a few chapters before I introduce a character I’ve actually built up a story on and it is killing me so much.

He went from what was going to be one thing to being one of the 2 main character’s foil and now I really want to introduce him but the story has to move forward first and I do not want to write another chapter out of order again, even though I may get to that point.

I tried to catch up in time for the patch but I’m not gonna make it, guys. I have several chapters + slands content to finish on three alts. Life is hard. No one has suffered like this. Aaahh!

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Somebody send help… How do I switch back to Mori as forum character on my mobile phone???