Pet peeves: The return (Part 5)

The talk of C&C campaign has, somehow, set me to be misty eyed over Supreme commander (Forged Alliance). Probably the turtling talk.

Gods what a game. :pinched_fingers: Perfecterino. :pinched_fingers:


I played a bit of that as well long long ago, didnā€™t vibe with me as much as C&C did but it was solid :+1:

funny cyborg tyrannosaurs are truly a top tier unit the other factions did not compete

Think that was the second one which was a bit of a flop because it changed what worked. SupCom has a fair sized following still that developed their own matchmaking finder/community hub after GPG stopped supporting it. Used to listen to casted matches as background noise at bed time. :sleeping::sleeping:

Company of Heroes 3 is still an utter mess. Unfortunately.

Mightā€™ve been yeah, itā€™s sort of beenā€¦ long. Letā€™s say long.

It was an okay/fine game, but a bad sequel - worse than just being a bad standalone title.

between work and replacing the window shutter cord today was way too much work

Deploying Gundam Shill mode:

Gundam Wing (Subbed) is available for free on their youtube channel again.

Credited with introducing many western fans to the series in the first place, I think generally itā€™sā€¦honestly pretty weak and muddled in places with unclear motivations for the principle actors.

It is, however, full of melodrama, has pretty boys to look at, and some absolutely iconic mobile suits that remain beloved to this day.

Also this moment.

And this one.


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Yes Stonetower, this one has a deathscythe.


I watched some episodes back in the days of Saturday morning cartoons but the only two things I remember from this was being oddly bored and the really good Japanese opening.

I used to love Gundam Wing. Didnā€™t know wtf was going on; I was 12, but still loved it.

While itā€™s not my favourite Gundam opening, I do have a great fondness for it.


Itā€™s the only gundam I ever saw as a little kid. Having later watched it when I was older, I realised that half of the timeā€¦ it just does not make sense, and the characters sometimes seem to be grandstanding and speeching just for the sake of it. But overall I still liked it alot.

Especially this part was rather tense for young Desartin:

For context, a piece had broken off a giant spacestation and was about to crash into the earth with the same effect as a meteor would have ( ironic given how the so-called ā€œOperation Meteorā€ played a role throughout the whole series). And the protagonist was lining this shot up while going through earthā€™s atmosphere at high speed.

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TIL a lore tidbit. Didnā€™t think the Highborne meddled with the Void and/or Old Gods all that much, Azshara asides.

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Well, they were exiles, and the Highborne back then were all rather magically-inclined, so there was bound to be a few that would end up seeking out the Void to dabble with I think.

Went to see Oppenheimer.

It was ok.

Not as big or great as people had hyped it as, but still worth watching.

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My Dark Urge playthrough is going swimmingly. Every time I reach the end of a characterā€™s personal questline I make them pick the evilest ending and the rest of the party hates it. Just a sequence of ā€œTHATā€™S what youā€™re going with?ā€ each directed at a different person.

Then Halsin asks if I want to kiss again.

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I feel bad for the people who will never experience dragonborn throat singing

I have now got the furthest Iā€™ve ever got in Bloodborne.

This was a terrible idea. Because everything is awful, Iā€™m playing whack-a-mole with bloodming Bell Maidens (who are terrible/horrible) and their infinitely respawning minions, and now thereā€™s a trio of NPC hunters with linked aggro, so of COURSE I canā€™t pull one at a time like a sensible person would.

Yā€™know, more and more Iā€™m thinking that ā€˜Fromsoft Hardā€™ isnā€™t the positive attribute too many gamebros make it out to be. Most of the time, and moreso as time goes on, thatā€™s shorthand for ā€œwe didnā€™t actually want to carefully ramp up the challenge by considerate design, so we just threw bull :poop: at the wall until something stuck and we called it ā€˜challengeā€™ā€.

Itā€™s not even like you can just tank through it, because Bloodborne especially doesnā€™t HAVE tank builds.

Laeā€™zel is coming onto me.

Flattered but-- Iā€™m after Astarion this playthrough.


So would though because I actually love her, but I am committed to.

Iā€™m not overly fond of Harem simulators so its one OR the other per play through.