Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Doctor Who is generally boring nowadays honestly. It’s not the cast, the cast can make a script dance, have been able to for 99% of the shows run. It’s not the social stuff, that’s always been a thing. Often times it’s been more heavy handed then people claim it is now. Which is fine, society needs morality plays.

The writers just… don’t have ‘it’ anymore. Something is missing that just makes it come together in a way that is so incredibly dull. It’s baffling. Maybe the show just needs another decades long break.

Doesn’t really help that the we’ve done this ‘cosmic threat’ dance twice now in this series alone. The Dalaks consistantly being used as punching bags got trite enough, now we’re on cosmic godlike beings. Like if they do that fine, but spread it out a bit.

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