Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Giving all the elves in RoP short-cut modern haircuts was a crime against humanity and whoever decided to greenlight that decision needs to be investigated.

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The time compression I can excuse, at least, as a necessary concession to the medium.

I haven’t played the game, but I read a let’s play and I actually rather like it — the story, at least. It succeeds at its apparent goal of showing you what it’s like to be Gollum, a debased, miserable creature at the bottom of the food chain.

I liked the plot with the blind elf who bonds with Gollum as a fellow outcast, being more accepting of him than most because she doesn’t know what he looks like. And then he just fumbles his newfound friendship because of how messed up he is. It’s a tragedy, and a very Tolkienian one.

The problem with the game, from what I understand, is that it isn’t fun to play. And frankly, I don’t know how one could make a Gollum simulator fun to play, seeing how weak and fragile he is by design.


Given how many games seem to have done the “You are the prey/underdog here, survive and/or use your environment/cunning to cause problems” thing rather well, I refuse to believe it would be that hard with a bit of…

What’s what word the Gaming Industry and especially greedy Execs are so alien to…?
OH, that’s it, CREATIVITY.

Edit: I am… on the fence whether the LotR Trilogy might have worked better as a longer form/series?

On the one hand, modern series have a horrible tendency to drag, overstay their welcome, and not stick the landing in the end.

On the OTHER, I think Christopher Lee might have impaled someone if they dared do disservice to Tolkien, so they at least had that safeguard? :joy:

I’ve seen people suggest it should have been a gritty survival stealth game about scavenging, hiding from enemies and pouncing on opportunities.

But not a platformer with moral choices.


Apparently the studio almost exclusively did point and click adventures before this.

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That’s one of my OTHER (many) gripes with idiot Execs/Publishers;

STOP shoe-horning in games studios that have NO experience in the genre you’re trying to push!
“Oh, but they’re all game devs-”
You are an IDIOT and a BUFFOON and forcing an Action RPG dev to work on CoD and then wondering why people are angry is why you should have your Kneecaps removed :angry:

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The Twinkdeath of Vecna.

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Assassin’s Creed: Gollums you say? I’m listening.

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I know precisely why mine is here and it’s obnoxious like a demanding, stinky pet you can’t get rid of.

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that’s a rude thing to say about Binx’s cat

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I want a Beren and Luthien movie (or, preferably, a duology). You can have Finrod in it!

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I love him dearly

To stick with the Rohirrim theme, seeing as we’re getting a movie about Helm Hammerhand, I’d also love a movie about Eorl and the Rohirrim helping Gondor against the Easterlings on the Field of Celebrant, after which he swears the Oath of Eorl and is gifted with Gondor’s northern province Calenardhon, which would later become Rohan.

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A cool and hip new action movie and a modern take on this classic tale! Motorcyclist expert Brad (His stagename is Beren) is down his luck as his fame has started to dry up. Through circumstances he meets the girl of his dream, Lucia “Luthien”, a scientist and a woman. Following her father’s footsteps to be a scientist, she has no time for love. But soon enough, they both begin to fall for one another as darkness looms over the city.


I was thinking more along the lines of a white elephant; given out of spite to ruin me.

True though, he is an obnoxiously demanding stinky pet.


Is this another word for aging? It feels like it.


In Vecna’s case it’s turning yourself into an immortal lich so that you can ascend to godhood.

Many such cases.

Something we’re all on the grind for. :pray: :weary:

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