Pet peeves: The return (Part 6)

Except if you are Pohjan Akka (The elder Crone of the Northern Tribe).

She’s a tough old bird. Literally transforms into a giant harpy with scythe blades for claws and carrying an entire warband on her back.

There is an equally metal person in this famous painting too:

The white bearded guy is Väinämöinen (or Gandalf, as Tolkien would call him in his books). His feats include, among others:

  • Twisting the ears of ctulhu so hard that he has to promise to never again enacroach on the mortal realms ever again.
  • Slays a giant musky/pike and uses its jawbone to make an instrument (Kantele).
  • Sings a guy called Joukahainen into a swamp because the guy challenged him into a singing contest, and the guy promises his daughter in exchange for his life. The said daughter then drowns herself rather than become the old man’s wife, and turns into a fish.

It’s a bizarre adventure.


Yes, that’s the part that prompted my comment about women!

It’s indeed bizarre, as mythologies tend to be.


The ultimate counter-bonk?

I salute.

I love this picture. It’s actually the cover art of my copy. The kalevala is an interesting read.


It’s been painted by none other than Akseli Gallen-Kallela, arguably the greatest painter Finland has ever seen (though Albert Edelfelt and Ferdinand von Wright are arguably equally impressive).


In his heart he’s a pirate ninja
but mostly he’s just tired

Peeve: My blood pressure is all wonky today, not fun

The general forums on EU and NA is heavily pushing for Player Housing and I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach for that “super epic feature players have been asking for ages for” that’s coming in Midnight now. Why must we be a minority :pensive: our voice will go unheard yet the impact will be greatest on us.

Player housing is neat and I think I would love a solid system for it with WoW’s art style :+1:


I picture a WoW RPing experience I knew elsewhere; isolated to instances by invitation only, arranged by way of private chat channels to leave a dead world that only served as a launchpad for headcanon shenanigans.


Counterpoint; if all the usual sorts that have people rolling their eyes so far back they can see the inside of their skulls leave the likes of Org, SW or even - heaven forbid - Goldshire? That leaves those places free to reclaim.

Not gonna get all predicting before we see anything tangible. Blizzard’s track record on ‘just wait and see!’ twists is curb-height, anyway.

The issue is, these people usually are less likely to move from a place than the semi-organised people who are fed up with them.
Because they aren’t organised at all. So it’s harder for them to keep up their stuff in something that needs stuff like private invites.

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want player housing want player housing

You may well be right. At the same time, I’m not ready to place a bet on either way. Heck, as someone who supports the idea of player housing - heck, GUILD housing would be really neat, and that’s something even SWTOR had (though it hamstrung it badly with the stupud cash shop) - I don’t see myself using it on a whole bunch of my characters?

We’ll see, I guess.

It’d certainly be a gold sink and cash shop vehicle. Time limited offers for the high definition centaur rug, face and all.

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If you manifest this evil here, I am hunting you down :neutral_face:

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I’m not really invested in how player housing would impact the community. I just want it because I could get use and fun out of it – wouldn’t deny myself to spite others, etc.


I’ve spoken before of how housing definitely negatively impacted ESO’s RP community, but…

I’m fairly on and off with playing WoW, and every time I come back and try to hop back into RP, it’s a struggle. People already are bubbled and already do avoid interacting with people outside of their circle all the time! The amount of times you walk up to seemingly casual, open-world RP only to be found extremely unwelcome with barely anyone willing to do more than, at most, acknowledge your existence (if that at all) is huge. It’d probably become more ‘visible’ through housing, though.


Who knows, maybe it would cause more pushback, and people realising they need to be more open and whatnot rather than “Oh, we’re totally approachable, honest!” while crossing their fingers firmly behind their back.

I can assure you that definitely won’t happen, outside of a few persons starting their own initiatives for that with precisely 1 attendee per ‘event’ over the span of months


I’d put a near zero % chance on that happening, honestly. It’ll just give these bubbles the ability to make their own, private spaces (I do not necessarily think this is a bad thing).