I’m expecting the next weeks to prove Interesting™ regarding Eurovision and the EBU…
Also, how do they sound so good live even now?!!
Loved em.
I’m glad they did better than many expected.
Keeping the head piece on warmed my soul.
And the braking of the trophy - powerful.
Honestly, for all the horrible mess this year’s Eurovision has brought, at least Switzerland winning (and their friendship with Bambie Thug???
) managed to salvage the year somewhat for me.
(Also, can I just say… rare jury W??? I mean, Israel getting second most points from televotes???
The juries were right all along!?)
I always love it when something’s got a traditional note to it in Eurovision, and it was a fun song overall!
Switzerland was done well, I think, but not the sort of song or music I enjoyed
I think the jury was very fair and balanced all around, excluding a few scores (Greece 10 pts to Cyprus, Israel 12 points to Luxembourg because their singer was from Israel…), sans for Israel’s score which would probably have scored more points (but certainly not top 5 jury votes) had it been from any other country
I know over here a bunch of right wing politicians made a big political thing out of voting for Israel for some reason and called on their supporters to do the same, resulting in the largest slice of at least our national televotes going to them as well
The only actual sad part is Norway finishing last. Ulveham deserved better! Same for Spain, though I’m fairly sure everyone knew they weren’t gonna score high.
This in of itself feels a little bit like rigging the votes to me. Honestly, even if all the pity votes and political votes are added together, Israel definitely should not have the second most televotes.
I can understand like, 100 points or so. But 323??? Right after the major fan favourite Croatia’s 337?!?!?
Agreed, definitely deserved some more points. I think Spain sounded like a generic 90s pop song which was probably the point, but the singing itself was uhh, not very good.
the Israeli gov ran a full blown last minute ad campaign but uhh, at least their submission to the contest wasn’t rude to someone harassing them
I personally simply loved the message and somewhat cultural relevance/reference. Reclaiming the wh*re word for yourself in Spanish context and something. If you’re interested, I’m sure there’s stuff out there explaining it in more detail. Anyway, I think the Spanish knew this is a song that wouldn’t do well in Eurovision, but was important to them and had a special meaning, so…
Honestly, watching the live chat on Youtube just gives me the feelings of many bot supporters, hence why I’m also suspicious of bot votes. Anyway - Israel lost!
Happy for Germany to end up middle of the pack, too, they finally get to differentiate from the UK
Hold on which ones? Was it Geert? I bet it was Geert.
Don’t worry, Caroline jumped in on the fun as well!
Quick sidetrack from Eurovision, but lately the more and more I see Caroline in action, the more the term “Judas” comes to mind. For a party that has “Burger” (Civilian) in it’s name, they sure often end up on the side of the employer and business-owner rather than the common man…
Boer Boven Burger tbh, it all makes sense once you realize they share(d?) office space with the largest lobby group for factory farmers (that isn’t them ), they’ve never been on the side of the common man, or on the side of the small-scale farmer, or the romantic, idealized concept of farmers and farming that people still tend to hold (ie, that of honest hard workers instead of merciless exploiters of cheap labour from eastern europe that they force to pay them their own wage back in exchange for terrible, cramped living spaces)
I think it’s quite an accomplishment to manage to get rid of Geert Wilders’ Good Trait, ie caring greatly about Animal Rights, though - very impressive indeed
I personally began to see it when they were debating making rent more affordable for people, only to see Mona , for BBB, start uttering the “But but what about the poor appartment-owners, what if renting out becomes unprofitable for them? They will end up selling and then nobody can rent it. Is that what you want?!” drivel.
Do I want to know how?
The PVV has, since the negotiations to form a government started, changed its stance on animal rights and welfare laws regarding the ‘bio industry’ and, through that, killed a major bill that was being voted on to help protect animal welfare in farms - the entire party save for Dion Graus changed their stance overnight for this
Not an important thing for their electorate, evidently, but I’ve always considered it their One Good Trait; especially the (initially widely mocked) ‘animal police’ unit that was founded thanks to them, which has actually been quite succesful in helping protect animal rights and going after people (farmers, mostly, and breeders) that have been neglecting and/or abusing their animals and livestock - for good comparison, in the first 5 years since they were established, the amount of such cases handled by the public prosecution increased by 60%(!!!)
Damn, that -is- a big shame…
I had actually forgotten about the animal police, but that was indeed thanks to them! And it’s nice to hear it’s actually been doing well.
But good lord… I really wonder what sort of Frankenstein monster this formation is gonna birth…
Elections within the next two years again, I presume, mostly
Though… if this attempt fails, doesnt PVDA-GL get to try? ( Not that they will find anyone considering their growth mostly came at the near-obliteration of the rest of our left…).
When the game gives you three, THREE (3) 1H weapons, on a class that is stuck with 2H staff OR 1H/Off hand, and one is a 480. And no options to swap them, trade them in…
Livid. Furious. Crying. Gear isn’t a big deal atm, but when the ‘rewards’ feel like a slap, I question the Game Design choices severely and critically
Id rather get a Weapon Token or something…
Possibly, but it’d be a struggle, definitely - they’d probably try and see if they can cobble something together with VVD, CU, D66, Volt, etc. to make a vaguely progressive, purple-hued entity that will also probably fall apart within two years
At least you’re unlocking the transmogs, I guess!
Swapping from 2h to 1h + off-hand has always felt incredibly awkward honestly