Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

i admit that i have been outmanoeuvred here

only reason i don’t like thrall is because he’s metzen’s self-insert and i don’t like chris metzen

the only character i like in this entire setting is illidan

i just love liam o’brien’s voice and i won’t be made to feel bad about it


same so dont feel bad. liams a top tier va and illidans lines go unnessecarily hard.

when he said the hand of fate must be forced i really felt that


I’ll freely admit it’s not unheard of for me to turn the sound on during a quest chain just because a character is voiced by liam o’brien in sto and eso.

I like Jaina a lot, it was just a shame that she spent a while with another individually good character very badly stitched onto her

Jaina is the peacemaker, so dedicated to it that she let her war hero and beloved father die for the cause. If you want her to change to the Ice Witch that’s fine but you have to commit fully to that you can’t have her yo-yo

leem o’breen is a freebie


she’s so unconvincing as a baddie that her own people who have a song about how bad she is saw her in person and were like “yeah nah she’s fine”

tee hee lets the Alliance move military forces through Theramore while attacking any Horde on sight I love peace :blush:


need harronir to be made playable (so i can romance one)

reasonable policy


racist. . .

not racist just don’t like 'em

simple as

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man spends five minutes on Alliance and immediately starts trying to wipe out innocents

same as it ever was…


back in my day you could kill a horde on sight and you’d get a “for the alliance!” from your mates but these days it’s all woke and “oh no what about their feelings and their cultures”

smh azeroth has gone mad

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Cut a blueblood - funnily enough, they all bleed Scarlet.

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“Vee truly live in an allianze zoziety.” Said the least german characture scarlet

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do draenei still bleed blue i can’t remember

mito joins the good guy faction, immediately gets priorities straight

good guy faction. playing dark iron