Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Dipped my toes into the expansion last night, eventually settled on playing a Dark Iron Warrior because I can’t not be a warrior. Still really annoyed how few options there are to customise Dark Irons, but I like them. Really I just need to work on a good transmog for them that isn’t the heritage armour.

Decided to try fury rather than my usual arms spec, and kind of wish you could transmog 1h over 2h. I know you can choose single minded fury but I don’t currently have any 1h weapons.

Made it to the new capital and then stopped because it was late. The intro was alright.


Mostly sprinted to get some weekly reset things done yesterday. Going to take it slower with the rep stuff until Darkmoon Faire now

This expansion should help with that, imo
Lots of dwarf fashion for some reason :thinking:

That’s what I hoped for.

Really I just need some nice axes.

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Even got some stuff from the transmog shopping list done yesterday
My Gnome can now wear this hat if she wants to


The big problem is in dungeons where bosses are dropping in 10-15 seconds and the higher level you are the weaker you feel


Not sure what I was expecting, but the void elf heritige armour quest is… pointless?
Like it tells us nothing, builds on nothing, doesn’t flesh the idea out any, doesn’t push it forward. You just talk to an elf and ‘lol armour’.

Like. Ok.

The original allied races don’t have a storyline to them sadly as they were the first and the idea of a full quest line wasn’t considered necessary because you had to do a quest line that explained the faction to unlock them

My main peeve with the void elf heritage is that the chest piece is a nightmare to transmog with anything else and the rest of the set is mostly steaming garbage that matches with nothing


She is beautiful!

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this is temporarily my new main. like i said, not happy with the mog yet but i need to find some more pieces that i want to use.

also desperately some decent weapons. i have so little unlocked on this account


Hammer on anvil, sibling

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what if blizzard didn’t just relegate a race’s focus to a single heritage quest and instead gave them a steady drip of content regularly so that every race feels represented in every expansion

one questline per race per expac, just to check in and see how they’re doing

small indie yadda yadda


not well is likely the answer


magister umbhwo? this is the alleria expansion


I am once again going on a rant about how the faction/nation/racial leaders shouldn’t be the ones going on adventures.

There’s a raft of B-Z list characters about who would do better being expeditionary heads than Moira et al.


jaina has been involved in leading 3 nations now and has done very little leading of any of them

two of them now no longer exist



furthermore, when you used to click on jaina in theramore she’d often say “all i ever wanted was to study”

provably false because she spends more time galivanting about flirting with the latest powerful hunk and doing literally anything but reading a book

yeah i’m a hater and i will make no apologies for it


immaculate, no notes.

a jaina hater in 2024 you love to see it.

vengeance for rastakhan

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i like jaina :slight_smile:

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well no ones perfect!

She never said -what- she wanted to study.

So now she’s studying thralls muscles. Check mate.