Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Be like me and embrace it ingame too.

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seems like someone needs another teldrassil, silvermoon, naz’jatar

what’s up with your cities constantly getting stomped. sounds like a skill issue


my favourite guys (cool) vs your favourite guys (smelly)


yesterday i was a nelf fanatic, today i am a certified nelf hater

it’s just the way it’s gotta be


what i love or hate depends on what music im listening to on youtube fr

atm its The Descent Theme (Extended Suite) ( so im heavily on team dwarf

incredibly based choice

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nerubians starting to look an awful lot like darkspawn to me rn

it is my one true calling to plunge the depths and put all evil creatures that lurk within to the axe

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gather round lads were going for a session in the deep roads or w/e they call it under dornogal or donegal or w/e they call it

Once you see The Stonevault you will know what dark iron heaven looks like

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idk how long it’s going to take me to reach the end of the campaign. dragonflight took me forever because i could only chip away at it, and i suspect it will be the same here

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It’s alledgedly quite short.

can’t tell if this is a height related dig again

Tbh that hadn’t occured to me, from what I’m led to believe it’s genuinely not a long campaign.

sad if true

RE: DI mog, the blackrock plate cosmetic set you get from WoD can fit in with the heritage armour if you want to mix n match.

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Good shout. Any weapon suggestions? I want some good looking, dwarf appropriate axes of either 1h or 2h.

the BRF warrior mythic tier also can mesh in very well I find

My Spirits of Water and Air are finally on their way to complete my trio collection.

did you get the dark iron weapons