I feel baited.
Joined a game advertised as an 11+ campaign, but then the first chunk of it has been a ‘flashback’ to when we’re 3rd level instead.
I feel baited.
Joined a game advertised as an 11+ campaign, but then the first chunk of it has been a ‘flashback’ to when we’re 3rd level instead.
I had several deliveries, by different companies, set for today and they’ve all been inexplicably delayed to a day I’m working
that’s clever
Should have been a void elf.
Too many dwarves in here.
Apparently saying that asmongold is ok is against the forum CoC.
Well, each to their own opinion…
based forum mods
Its.my year its my YEAR 2024 lets go
This is so sad alexa play epic dwarven music mix 10 hour version
i’m a hater today and i feel good about it
I will drown it out with music by Deathstars.
I didn’t see what you wrote before it got edited, but it could be that its because he’s not really just a wacky/semi-controversial WoW-tuber anymore, but has gone down the rabbit hole to be a full alt-right talking head to the point that he is actually very problematic.
As said, his fanbase is extremely hostile and misogynistic, with many also overlapping into QAnon territory at this point. And he is perfectly fine with it.
I did say that he had some very bad takes- But he also has very good ones.
A good act doesn’t wash away the bad and vice versa, etc.
Also, whenever people name him for all of these things he’s supposedly guilty of (including Blizzard), they seem to forget that while Blizzard was busy calling him a toxic gamer, he was taking care of his then very sick mother and opened up about how he was coping with it publically.
Idk, to me, a toxic man, gamer or woman hater doesn’t probably take a good care of their parents. Yes, he’s done other things, but a man (or a woman) is a sum of more parts than what he says to an online audience.
Anyway, I’ll drop the topic now since we will probably get banned for discussing it more. If anybody wants to have their last word in, they may do so.
i just don’t like his content or his personality. i don’t know anything about him apart from that
not my vibe.
People are complicated. But even so I’d expect that even the worst people would do this if they have/had a good relationship with their parent. It’s a sensible thing to do.
Also I am not well-versed in his lore, but I do believe that he became a million times worse after this. He was sketchy beforehand, but its only in recent years he truly became genuinely full on bad.
Good people can still do bad things and bad people can still do good things. Doing a good deed to his family doesn’t outweigh him doing actually harmful stuff to others.
I do think it is a little bit handwaving to just say that its stuff he says to an online audience. Because it is, yes, but it doesn’t factor in the importance and danger of that. Having an online audience(especially one in the hundreds of thousands and especially with a fairly young demographic) means ALOT of responsibility.
I would argue it is worse for someone to either openly directly or passively spreading hate and far-right propaganda and conspiracy when they have a sizeable userbase who not only listens, but fanatically worships them.
That isn’t just being bad, that is extremely dangerous on a societal level. And caring for an ailing parent does absolutely not make it acceptable to do so. Nothing makes it acceptable to do so.
Online is a space too, one populated by real people
asmongold is the textbook definition of terminally online
most dangerous drinking game: take a shot every time you hear about another hate crime or shooting orchestrated by someone who was radicalised by online spaces and rhetoric
asmongold isn’t radicalising anyone himself but the lies he helps spread are a part of the pipeline
Crazy how looking after my ailing dad didnt give me a sudden entitlement to feel women made gaming worse, almost as if it is in fact deranged that people use it to justify it.
when my dad passed away i immediately joined the gamergate movement
Its a bit like people making excuses for Ye being antisemitic on that he has mental illness.
Yes, he is deeply sick and surrounded by yes men, but it doesnt change that he is also horrible and most people dont become racist if they dont take their meds.