Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

i’m not into breeding unfortunately :confused:

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To be fair the warrior did, if dark side,

murder her mentor, murder her parents, turn her master into a raving lunatic all of which she felt through the force, which was the point.

Then as a final blow you make her look at her master and go “haha see jedi dumb, feel everything, go nuts” on a heavily clostered girl

She just snaps. It’s not portrayed very well because the VA, who isn’t a bad VA generally, doesn’t quite play it right, but the idea is that she’s just snapped.


Yeah it does absolutely make sense, and for an evil/darkside playthrough it is one of my favorite moments for the warrior.

You’re making me miss SWTOR again.

Lotros changed a fair bit. It’s interesting, I like… though to be fair I can’t really remember the old system, but I like the new virtue menu and how it ties into deeds (which you should absoloutly be doing anyway). Not that happy about them being so limited in there levels, in two deeds I’ve maxed one completely as far as I know.

Also have to say, and I don’t know when this happened, but at some point the minstrel became a power house of whirling death and I’m loving it.

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The Auction House.

It’s so slow. Even after being down for maintenance to try and fix the issue.

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gonna be redownloading it overnight so no can do


Reinstalled everything relating to my razer keyboard. I hope this fixes it because I got tired of it messing up.

It’d lag and stick with the media keys. Like, I’d press skip song. It would skip the song after five seconds… But continue skipping songs until the end of time. Volume up? Five seconds later it put my volume up to 100% (Ow my ears).

What a pain in the bum.

It took me 2 tries (and I am like, quite underlevelled) but I beat the gargoyle duo and got my Prince of Death Staff.

Now to upgrade it.

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Genuine peeve:

Tried to give TWW a fair shake but it’s become clear after 2 zones (and a bit of Hallowfall) the game just isn’t for me. Every quest feels like a chore to me and I don’t care about any of the characters (with the sole exception of Dagran - I like that little guy).

I hope they do deliver on the story stuff for people who are still invested, because I used to love this game and it’d be great to see it shine again but I have a sneaking suspicion that no matter how good it might become, it’ll never be for me again.

Back to XIV I go.

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considering fatboss hasn’t uploaded to youtube in 3+ years i would be astounded if someone had

Me: “Finally, I’ve completed all quests in the Barrow-downs! Time to turn in this last quest to an NPC in Bree and head north to Thestlebridge…”

Bree NPCs: “Haha, here are eight more quests in the Barrow-downs!”

I have to say, though: leveling without scaling, I really appreciate a sense of meaningful progression. It really feels nice to see that these low-level boars are no longer bothering me, the skeletons aren’t much of a challenge anymore, but these corrupted trees are just right, and the Lone-lands are too high-level for me yet.

Leveling with scaling is so boring because subjectively you aren’t getting stronger, you’re just watching a number go up.


I’d say that level scaling has both its pros and cons. You’ve mention its cons already, so I’ll say why I like it. Level scaling is my preference because it means I’m not stuck into a set route of progression, I can pick and choose my favourite WoW zones to quest through without out-leveling for them. One of the things I always hated about leveling in the past was being stuck in either spamming dungeons (boring to me) or questing through zones I’m less keen on.


If you are like me, be ready spend more hours in the barrows to farm the deeds and or reputation drops.

But yeah there is also an instance there!

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I bought a house! Now to see about decorating it. I got a birch tree and a drawer as rewards for the intro questline, and have already placed them. The slot-based decoration system is very intuitive, if less powerful than in FFXIV.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that all neighborhoods in Ered Luin are named in Sindarin, and yes, the names actually mean something.

I was less pleased to see that there’s a lot of neighborhoods, and most of them are ghost towns with only a few houses inhabited. Since neighborhoods are added in demand but never removed, it implies there was once a lot of inhabited houses, but many players have since quit the game, as it’s long past its prime.

(It does add to the atmosphere of the elven lands fading and getting abandoned, though.)

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Do that anyway honestly, unless they’ve massively reworked it you’ll want to squeeze every last bit of xp out of bree as Lone Lands and Thistle play dead zone ping pong.

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I think another big part is that for the more long-term and heavily invested players in the housing, there are certain houses that are more popular than others. So it ends up with people buying them and leaving the rest of the neighborhoods empty.

Perhaps it would be nice if Lotro meshed existing neighborhoods together(If there room/not overlapping ownerships of houses) to just make it a big more condensed?

Edit: Another reason is that I think the premium housesteads are more popular. But there is currently no elven premium housestead.

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I just chose a less populated neighborhood at random based on how nice the name sounded, and it turned out that the house I wanted (on a hill overlooking the river) for some reason cost a little less than average despite being exactly the same exterior- and interior-wise.

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I do believe cost also factors in the location. So its both location, house shape, design and size.

But yeah on my edited note, do you have any thoughts on where any future elven premium housesteads could be? My only thought is Rivendell or Lorien?

Or potentially the woodland realm inside Trhanduil’s halls?

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Rivendell and Lorien would both be good. Back before I started actually playing LOTRO as a game, I sometimes logged in to enjoy the view in Rivendell when it was too cold to go to a nice forest stream IRL.

…And now I miss the forests of my birth city…

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