Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

I have to wonder, are these people just dumb, malicious, or both? Because sometimes I believe that some people really are just -that- dumb…


It’s a mixture of both. With this guy it was very much malice. That became clear after a few messages.

palpatine as well. and the Son in the Mortis arc.

like mog on him over starkiller if you want but the guy is a genuine fan and thats never a bad thing to have in your actors.

unless your henry cavill apparently

nothing sadly new there

i always err on the side of both because while they seem dumb the efforts put in to be that vitriolic consistently takes more effort than stupidity allows

Yep thats the one.

I think it’d help everyone more if we stopped fighting about the definitions so much and agreeing to trying to prevent fascism, be it from the left or right, from ever emerging again.

I doubt all the millions of people who died care much whether their murderer was on the right or the left of the political spectrum.

Concervatism and liberalism have the same ability to ruin a person’s life, just as left and right do, when taken to extreme.

As I said to that poster, people mistake fascism and dictatorships.

Fascism is very specifically a far-right ideology and the man who coined the term did so because he didn’t like socialism anymore and wanted to go hardcore nationalism mixed with conservative ideas.

Dictatorships however is something that can happen on any political side. It can also be oppressive and harmful. But it is not fascism if it’s not far-right.

Probably not, but when the discussion (at least the one I was referring) to was or is between: “I think people with different skin color or genders should be allowed to exist” vs “I think they should all die”, it is really that black and white. I was only talking historically when it was directly related to fascism the term and ideology as its origin.

And that neither of those two countries mentioned was “left” during that time period. The entire point was that they were as far-right as they could go. That was the entire thing with them. Simply stating that as an historical fact also doesn’t mean I support the other crazy moustache man when he tried to go invade Finland(and later the world) on another ideology. (I know you didnt say that I did, I just wanted to clarify.)

WW2 Germany and Italty were unapologetically far right and both fascist. Soviet Union was also horrible and Stalin was a Dictator and was more left, or so he claimed.

My issue was that the guy I was raving about specifically said all three were socialists and specifically far left. Then refused to elaborate beyond “left bad because they wont tolerate me being intolerant”.


Gave Warhammer 40k’s new Boarding Actions rules a go, and naturally, Space Marines perform so well that I stood precisely no chance and feel so thoroughly demotivated about the game that I’ve put the stuff I’d placed to paint tonight back in the cupboard because honestly what’s the point if five unpainted space marine models can remove twenty models I painted every ten minutes :-1:

Whoever decided that the poster boy faction should be able to do all the niches other factions do, but better, can go uhh, do something else

Bonus points for the store worker suggesting that maybe I pick an actually good and cool army (like Space Marines) instead of mine (bad and stupid and not cool)

the space marine player screaming for the refferee when i place my single unpainted mini against them and win in three turns (they had no chance against Goku)


White Scars are objectively cool though.

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true, white scars are wholesome chungus (and chingis khan) space supersoldiers in big space suits who outdo everyone at everything all the time i should spend 400000000000 euros on them immediately so i can play cool games of warhammer 40.000: oops all space marines, space marines vs space marines, the marinening

I’ve promised the store worker that if I get another army that is actually cool (unlike my stupid army that is stupidly painted with my stupid interests and stupid hands and foolish enthusiasm for something stupid and bad) I’ll get it at another store though :+1:

With my limited knowledge of 40k, I say make Tau the poster faction. From what I’ve heard the Space Marine fans(Specifically the weird ones) don’t like that idea.

“I hear you do strange things to your bikes.”

“I hear you do strange things to your warriors.”

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I just bought a bunch of Tau and they are very cool.

But they’ll never make an alien the face of the franchise (No, the humans among the tau don’t count).


Needs more Squats.

I think I’m just mostly not doing well with being told, without even having remarked on how the game itself was going, to maybe buy an army that isn’t stupid and is actually cool and good

Like okay, cool. thanks for saying my stuff that i spent hundreds of hours, and quite a lot of money in YOUR store, sucks. this totally makes me want to buy more stuff from you.

I’ve almost started accepting that not playing Space Marines means your primary role is to make Marine players feel good about how awesome their little plastic toy soldiers are but come on man


Are there Skaven in 40k by the way?

Actual question, because I do not know. I only know of Space Marines/Imperium, Tau, The tech priests, orks, elves(And dark elves), the chaos people, tyranids and Nekrons.

Oh and the sisters of battle. So I think the main ones?

There are if you want them to be…but no, they’re not in canon. The Great Horned Rat is a Chaos God, and there are others than the four major ones, so there’s space to add them in if GW or you really want to have them.

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there’s no Skaven in 40k (well, the Imperium is the Skaven, really :nerd_face: )

incidentally my local Age of Sigmar group is just a Skaven circle-jerk at present, including constant Skaven-talk


They appeared in a single story but outside that they sadly dont

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Yes-yes irritate the Adelais, all hail Horn-ed Rat!

Still a dwarf soul mind you. Or duradin.
Gotta ally with my umgi.

he said he likes dwarfs in the group chat, quick-quick, speak-talk about how much dwarf-things suck yes-yes!

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