Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

“A black woman…in my mmo? a black woman with disability? IN MY MMO? A BLACK WOMAN WITH DISABILITY THE LGBT IS ATTACHING THE BLONDE TWINK TO? IN MY MMO? gaming has fallen. billions must be racially slurred.”


That man isn’t super muscular and dumb.
He showed emotions. Weak! WEAK!


I find it a big sadge that you can’t customize the golem from Waking the Machine like you can the Delver’s Dirigible and your dragonmounts :frowning:

Edit: Also, am doing comp stomp but I end up against bots most of the time. Did the Horde stay home or what?

Comp stomp is only bots. “Computer stomping” basically.

… well now I feel dumb for not picking up on that name sooner…

Oh you poor, silly goose.
I laugh at thee.

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Noctuary complete. I of course went with the “everyone’s happy good” ending as my first one, though it looks like getting the others will be pretty straightforward.

Really fun ~30-40 hour visual novel with a compelling combat system attached to it. Aside from some spelling/translation hiccups here and there the story kept me hooked and invested.

Yes. The Horde respects our binary-based brethren unlike the cruel and merciless Alliance who tortures them for sport and profit.


Finally bought and started TWW.

Everything in Dornogal being at 45 and 90 degree angles brings up FFXIV 1.0 maps to mind.


Egads! The Vile Fiends of the Below have taken over our fair and beautiful city! To arms Men and Women of the Alliance! Prithee, drive the wretched beasts back to their burrows below!

Anyway, what in God’s name is going on with this here, there’s more than is in the Imgur Album including a few scattered on the Stormwind battlements. No context or anything as far as I can tell either since everyone I’ve talked to about it has been utterly caught out by it and as confused as I am. I don’t rememeber voting to allow these dwellers below into Stormwind! Who authorised this! Turalyon!! I thought you were a Paladin!

the weaver says she needs new morsels and who am i to deny her, really


Oh so they are in stormwind. I saw one right outside the embassy in Orgrimmar too…

There’s…there’s so many in Stormwind…with 0x content as well. I fear an invasion is already upon us, brave soldiers of the Alliance, we must sound the call-to-arms and rally the civilian levy’s to drive these beasts back to the shadows.

RIP Alliance and Horde. The spiders are gonna get ya.

Or maybe, they’re protecting us from the real threat.
Scientific hypothesis (Arachnophobia warning for the following comic) :

They’re protecting us from the REAL threat.

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Apparently she’s also a trans man according to some of these dimwits.

I mean, I don’t like Hallowfall either but that’s because its the straw that broke the camel’s back for me and not because the leading lady is black and disabled.

We are not the same GDers (but also because i am openly trans and have ignored half the bigots so they can yell at the brick wall)

Hides my comp stomp acquired PVP gear



Goes without saying, calling people “snack” and “delicious”.

Luke’s original name. Also, luke = lucas as a self insert.

Implying da orks ain’t iconic…

Dare I ask why?

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She’s not traditionally “high-femme” and is a fighter rather than a gentle healer, which are masculine things and a woman should NEVER do them.

That is to say it’s incredibly boring Gamer™ opinions and I don’t think they’re worth acknowledging beyond an initial denial. They’re probably the same ones who think that everything is “woke” now.


All masculine/not “traditionally pretty” women are either AMAB or have a peepee, obviously.


they are, yeah.

The Venn diagram is practically a circle.


I mean, it’d be cool if she was but I’m happy either way

And it’s canon that a Lamplighter is sworn to help people, no matter how annoying they are, so she’ll still help them :3