Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Even the Jedi Knight games?

Otherwise do them!

Played Academy and Jedi Outcast

In fact, I remember one of those having amazing multiplayer, god how the times change


Me when someone tries to recommend KOTOR to me (I tried it, honest)

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I’m just interested in seeing how this wukong thing goes, having become the new flagship of anti-woke success but also being embraced by chairman pooh as a tool of chinese cultural imperialism.

I played both KOTORs in 2005, not long after the release of KOTOR 2. Today, they’re of course hopelessly outdated, but KOTOR was my first “real” CRPG and made me fall with BioWare RPGs, priming me for Neverwinter Nights 2*, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age.

KOTOR and NWN2 also paved the way for my interest in D&D years later.

* Yes, it was made by Obsidian, but it was a sequel to a BioWare game made in the BioWare style using a modified BioWare engine. To me, “BioWare RPG” is a genre by itself even if the game is made by a different company.



Not cool.

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When it comes to old games, I think it generally requires a sense of nostalgia to get through it. I could go back to Oblivion or something older for example, but only because I’m reliving the fun I had back then, rather than trying something new.


Bounty Hunter?

i would go back to this no matter what

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Even SWTOR feels super dated and kinda clunky, but since I’ve played it years ago I’m still getting a fun vibe out of it now.

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Correct take

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I’m also interested, in the sense that I am absolutely worried that the presumed success will make newer games also anti-woke as it is presumably more profitable (despite studies showing things being woke in fact don’t go broke and make more money). For example, I wonder how much of TWW’s lack of obvious (LGBTQ+) representation - and this should not be a checkbox or quota of how much needs to be represented, just personal observation - might be because of how negatively DF was received by the very loud bigoted playerbase, however minuscule they were.

That’s not to say there’s none in TWW, obviously, nor that it also has no negative feedback as evidenced by the state of GD right now. But with Faerin’s only ‘crime’ being that she’s a disabled woman of colour for that particular playerbase to become so utterly livid about, I do fear Blizzard eventually gets cold feet regarding any future attempts at representation.


The problem with Dragonflight’s queer representation was that it was very anvilicious and in your face, to the point that they made a whole questline about identity with one quest objective being completing every single queer-related quest in the game. Even I, a queer person, was put off and never bothered to finish the questline (and found some of it tone-deaf).

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It was quite heavy-handed at times for sure, but I think you need that sometimes. Really hammer home the ‘this game isn’t for the bigot demographic’ message. Not that it worked because they’re still infesting the GD forums and you need an active subscription to post there, alas.


always nice to see another NWN2 fan

Of the more recent games there was also Battlefront 2’s (the second one’s) single player and also Squadron’s single player.


I loved it and it was my most played game on Steam before being overtaken by FFXIV. I also inserted a lot of NWN2 references into the first D&D campaign I ever DM’d (Lost Mine of Phandelver). I had the PCs pass through Crossroad Keep on their way to Phandalin, put West Harbor and Highcliff onto my custom-made map for flavor, and replaced Daran Edermath with a retired Daeghun Farlong (who was amused that the PCs knew of his offspring’s adventures as old tales).


Eh, DF had more queer representation than the… three/four out of six in that questline, as the questline itself had been about identity. While that word does often overlap with queer themes, the sidequests you had to do also involved someone whose calling was to be an artist instead of a Waywatcher, and the refti whose entire purpose was to be in servitude for the Titan watcher Mara.

DF had more queer sidequests than that, so you didn’t go to every single one, those sidequests in the questline simply dealed with identity moreso than others, and Blizzard very rarely manages to handle any topic subtly.


And now you can’t even get it on steam…

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…I didn’t know that. A pity.

Then again, these days I’d rather buy on GOG rather than Steam, for ideological reasons.

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That version runs great, no worries.


Thankfully if you bought it before it was removed you keep access and can still re-download it, but it was removed in 2013 due to Atari going bankrupt and I guess licensing/ownership got muddled.

Might reinstall NWN2. I don’t think I ever did play Mysteries of Westgate - it didn’t come as standard with the Steam version.

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