Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

She wishes

She’s living the best life.

Find out who it is and if they’re still playing. We can go kiss in front of them in protest.

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Oh they dont. They quit for ff14 where they erp as a cat girl maid.


That is so unsurprising lol.


Engaging in ERP with women, I bet. The hypocrisy.

Of course they are!

Because if they know it’s a dude on the other end, they will consider it “gay”.


Ive seen the screenshots they posted on twitter and discord.

Very well endowed modded women.


oh no… they aren’t on omega are they?

Omega or Balmung its been years since i heard from them. Omega last i heard.

They sure know how to pick their places… :rofl:

Reading through this thread makes me wonder whether we should just let Xal’atath do her thing. The Hour of Twilight will deliver us from this madness, better late than never.

Funny how its usually the Quicksand or Limsa.

I better strap in for this discourse!

They were roomates


I can’t figure out a main for TWW, and feeling pretty demotivated.

I could just continue playing Shadow Priest, but I think, even though the spec is looking to be strong at the start of the expansion, I am just kind of done with the abuse of 8+ years and want to try a breath of something fresh.

As for my alts, I have these:
Blood DK
Brewmaster Monk

I am currently thinking of either picking another ranged, or going for a melee. In this regard, DK would seem like a pretty obvious choice.

Healers are off the table, as are DH’s. I play mostly pvp, most likely blitz and shuffle.

sorry but i am maining this one so you need to choose something else

Brewmaster is apparantly getting some big buffs in TWW and looking fun.

I’m sticking with warlock though myself!

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Well, there’s arguably never been an easier time to pick an alt. Both Remix and the current Echoes event make leveling from scratch a breeze.

Also, ever think of trying out a warrior? After 8 years of abuse, you my friend are a cornucopia of rage waiting for an outlet.

My Hero Academia’s final chapter has released. It was fine, though still felt a bit rushed, as if SJ saw it was finishing and urged it to happen ASAP instead of letting it breathe a bit.


There was no confirmation about Deku+Uraraka but there’s like one frame where you can see Deku’s ring finger and it’s either a ring or his scar, and I’m simply going to choose to believe it’s a ring and he got married during the timeskip.

All Might crushing the “END” so he could announce that Deku gets to go back to hero work was kinda funny though. I liked that.

Also the adult Class 1-A pic at the end is neat.

Adult Mina :weary:

Todoroki+Uraraka both looking at Deku though. Bi-king.


Unironically thinking of giving warrior a try. I mained warrior from Cata to BFA, so I have some familiarity.

I am also interested in trying out mage or warlock.

Also I dont have infinite time since I have work, so I try and pick a spec I will enjoy. There are also other considerations: I want to make a character I actually want to RP as well.