Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

exiling highborne does nothing

look what happened last time we tried it, now we’ve got bratty cousins across the ocean who think they’re better than us

We are better than you.

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I member the propaganda posters that were whipped up at around that time concerning the Beast of Astranaar and what a reincarnation of all that is good in the world Senator Moltenstone was

Exile the Tauren. Mulgore is being replaced with a new Amazon warehouse for the Ethereal Consortium.

It has been bothering me for days trying to remember the name thank you i can rest now

i can’t even respond because i just know someone is going to bring up teldrassil :pensive:

Saying that i remember i posted my dwarfs letter of condemnation over that.

Good times.

Just absolutely legs it.

I vaguely remember writing/posting a eulogy by the senator’s husband, extolling his progressive spirit and appreciation for night elven culture.

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Ah yes, class metagaming.

Passerby in Stormwind or wherever: “I see the trappings of a hunter in you…”

Lintian, wearing a scholar’s robe, with a book on her belt: “Oh really?”


They saw that she was an elf and just presumed.

Remember, say no to casual racism.

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everytime i’ve tried to play a warlock and somebody knows that my character dabbles in “bad magic” despite there being nothing in my TRP to even allude to it outside of the actual class i am playing

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Back in my day, Elf was a class.

The magic in question

I mean, Lintian is a hunter. Just a well-read one.

“Look, just because I’m a kaldorei doesn’t mean I’m a hunter. I mean, I am a hunter, but not because I’m a kaldorei!”


let me multiclass

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FFXIV style multiclassing would be a dream. I would no longer need to level multiple class versions of my characters.

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I’ve literally had a similar conversation IC about engineering on Vixi.

“Just because I’m a gnome doesn’t mean that I am an engineer. I’m a scholar. A researcher.”

“…But yes, I do also tinker a bit on the side…”


Blizzard can’t balance single-spec single-class characters

I can only imagine how terrifying multiclassing would be from a design/balance perspective

Turning off my DK eyes+voice modulator when Elly activates his paladin class-stone. :sunglasses:

It’s only happened to me twice, once on wow and once in gw2.

In wow a human street rat rper walked up to me and told me i need to die for being a lesbian for a good 10 minutes.
My character had been talking to a friend for all of 2 minutes.

In gw2, my asura was pegged as being inquest (bad scientist guys) by a guard rper the first week of path of fire in amnoon.
She was wearing all blue, no colours associated with the inquests red and black, and didn’t have my guild tag up. I was followed by guard rpers for days harrassing me.


wow that’s wild