Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Tis I, Distantpeak.
I like the Earthen gear. It’s better than the heritage.

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from nar shaddaa to tatooine. thanks game . . .

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Looks at the stone bear forms in Legion
Missed opportunities.

i remember really not liking nar shadda as a levelling planet

It’s not so bad if you’ve got stealth, but the corridor-based level design makes it a real slog to get through otherwise.


i dont mind it. i like the sleazy vibe of the place. peak star wars underground.

worst planets are hoth and voss and my mind wont be changed on that

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Quesh is kinda poo too, but at least it’s brief

stealth makes them all more enjoyable so i appreciate that

I’ve looked through my dream journal and compiled an incomplete list of magic powers I’ve displayed in my dreams over the years:

  • fly
  • teleport
  • grow plants
  • shapeshift (once I grew angel wings, and once I turned into Liara)
  • repair and repaint damaged buildings
  • change clothes with thought
  • teleport clothes onto myself
  • conjure snow
  • move my phone into extradimensional storage by pressing it against my chest
  • cast the Invisibility spell
  • understand cat language (communicated with a cat by meows, and we understood each other via some kind of telepathy)
  • use Lelouch’s Geass
  • neutralize poison
  • cast a healing spell
  • cast a resurrection spell from a scroll
  • control water (I was a waterbender)

Lord Praven is a gigachad damn

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I should’ve unlocked earthen, but instead I have been on elden ring.

I need to get back to this. Haven’t played since I came back from Italy, just didn’t feel like it.

I pick it up and put it down as I please solo.

Otherwise I have my seamless co-op playthrough with my friend so I am playing it at least once a week.

It’s only a vibeo game anyway, play it when u feel like it

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I’m afraid I’m going to lose the killer edge if I wait too long.

Then you just have to do what I do when I’ve not played it for months.

Start from the beginning.

Or make an alt but its all the same.

I need to delete a character anyway, saw a hand-to-hand build I really want to try. But not sure which pretty boy to take out of the equation.

I wrote mine down (and later used Discord to write them up quickly) as well, somewhat in hopes of helping me lucid dream. Alas.

Now I dream very rarely, probably because of different meds.

It’s fine, no need to worry about it!

In a similar situation, I already made a bunch of new alts after Radiant Echoes made leveling super fast (and I wanted to complete the mogs), so now I don’t really know what to make. Shaman? I already have two Shamans, neither of whom I play nor do I like Totems! Warrior? I already have main alt as Warrior, I don’t want another nor do I want to play other Hero Talents! Paladin? Apparently Paladin is bad right now and I already have two Paladins…

I’m thinking Rogue as that’s one of the few classes I only have one of (the others being DK and Monk, neither of which were enjoyable for me) and would let me sort of learn another spec from ground up, but idk… And Earthen Rogue doesn’t make that much sense either.

Me with Baldur’s Gate 3. Now that my PC might not decide to have a heart attack I might actually get through Act 3, but… WoW is out… and even though Season 1 hasn’t started, now’s the last time to start playing it, I’d hate to pick it up for a week and drop it again.

For what it’s worth, I never managed to deliberately induce a lucid dream. They have always been random. Later I realized that the techniques available online basically relied on sleep deprivation to blur the line between waking and sleeping, and I was like, no, thanks, healthy sleep is more important.


I really don’t have that in me. If I do I will never finish, I barely get time to play games as it is.

one neat SWTOR feature is how after quests you’ll occasionally get mail, giving you some epilogue to what you’ve been up to. i like it.