Ugh. I still need to sort out my bank(s).
But not right now, because apparently server is shutting down. YAY for night shifts, I hate them and they hate me ¬_¬
only for an hour according to the service announcement if that helps.
And that sometimes lasts only 20-30 mins
Eh, it’ll be 3am by that point. And my sleep pattern is wonky, but probably shouldn’t be THAT wonky, heh.
Had issue with the combat as well so just turned it to super mega east mode and enjoyed the story. Honestly unless your into bashing your head endlessly against a wall the actual gameplay isn’t much to write home about. It’s clunky, tries to be too quick for a controller but not fast enough for a mouse etc. just go easy and enjoy the story, that’s the meat of the game .
Inquisitor and Khem, the true OTP.
Good morning. I’m up and bathed before half past 9. This is crazy.
Well that’s simple.
In classic, leveling is very much part of the gameplay experience, arguably equally if not more important than endgame.
Leveling is grueling, slow and challenging. Which is what also makes it memorable and a good experience.
Modern WoW is all about the endgame. M+, Pvp and raiding. Leveling on the other hand is a vestigial stump of what it’s intended purpose was (you get to learn your whole class before you even hit max level), and now is just a token grind that serves as a way to tell story.
In other words, questing experience exists to serve as a platform for stoey and timegating people, rather than giving them a worthwhile experience.
The thing is you can’t have classic leveling experience in wow. It’s not just mildly conflicting but utterly opposed to the way how the game works now at endgame.
i think a lot of people would put a question mark on this. personally i like it, but i know a lot of people find classic levelling tedious in a different way. lots of long runs between quest areas/givers and slow combat
I don’t like Ascendance on shamans. It’s weird that seemingly their most notable cooldown is the thing the evil shamans of the twilight’s hammer did.
Imagine if the most notable cooldown of druids was turning nightmare mode for 3 minutes.
Or if for paladins it was slaughtering Stratholme.
Just weird innit.
Or mages becoming warlocks.
I’d also accept necromancers as a final cooldown for mages but yeah. Just so out of place.
(also I don’t like the new ascendant models either, I think they’re goofy, and I think they’re especially goofy if you’re not a bog standard humanoid race such as a tauren or vulpera. Or a woman.)
And that’s fair enough.
Personally, I think the classic way of questing, leveling up etc would be an absolute -banger- for a single player wow title.
Think of WoW but an action srpg.
It can be suitable for modern wow too, but you’d have to redesign the whole endgame around it, and not without obvious problems either.
I prefer modern WoW to classic, but classic quwsting experience is still miles ahead of modern questing for me.
I think LOTRO strikes a nice balance. Its questing experience reminds me of classic WoW somewhat (well, there’s a campaign, but it doesn’t give nearly enough XP by itself, and you have to do lots of side quests), bu it actually feels fun because there’s a lot of quests available, and they’re varied and well-written. And you often have to actually read the quest text instead of mindlessly clicking highlighted monsters and objects.
i do agree that lotro still has that classic feeling. and thats without additional modes. and honestly it feels refreshing for it.
i know its an oppinion that’d land you on a cross because the game mode has become so engrained on the playerbases psyche but ill take that classic levelling experience over burning keys with dps that’ll flame you in an instant any day. the lore and journey of a game will always far exceed its same 3-4 endgame dungeons for weeks on end in my books
my problem with lotro questing had a lot to do with how awful the death system was. spawning back at the nearest graveyard and then having to run all the way back and fight your way through all the mobs over again
not sure if they changed it since the old days to make it more forgiving. it was especially painful for me in the lone lands in that ruin with all of the spiders. i was playing minstrel and having an awful time
M+ was a mistake.
Shouldn’t you compare endgame to endgame? You’re arguably grinding even more mindless stuff in classic.
EDIT: Scrolled up a bit and yes, the levelling is more important in classic and is a key part of the experience but there is an endgame and it is awful.
And I think with retail you can also take your time to do the quests and enjoy the worldbuilding. The nice part of an MMO is you don’t have to do M+, high-end raids, and so on.
to this day i still have not set foot in a mythic dungeon
It is a fun challenge in that it forces you to care about the design of the dungeon in a way that you don’t need to on lower difficulties - and it puts a tax on your ability to pay attention - but up to a certain point it becomes overwhelming and you get all kinds of weird bugs coming up from M+ mechanics interweaving
Also the difficulty starts pushing you hard toward specific specs who can handle it and even as one of those specs it’s a shame