Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Yeah we can’t destroy that one Vixi. What if another faction creates a murder robot conversion machine and we don’t have one to respond with?


That is all well and good until they decide volunteers are no longer enough for the production numbers.

I don’t doubt that would happen sooner than later. Like the anvil of the void in DA.

The American logic.

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Better than 2002 american media moral ambiguity where we definitely have to torture these guys to stop the worse guys.

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starkiller base is the stupidest superweapon ever conceived and i hate that they did it

i’m usually a sequel apologist but that really stunk for me


It was very stupid but a super weapon eating suns as a power source is a very cool if entirely unworkable idea.

The sequel sequel trilogy needs to have a super weapon that ups the ante and eats black holes as a power source.


superweapon that is gutted from a planet full of kyber crystals is cool, not that it was explained that it was built on ilum in the movie, but once they ate their sun how are they firing it again?

don’t tell me that they were going to move an entire planet through hyperspace

This is what Stellaris/did does unironically to ramp up the threat.

You got Planet-Killer weapons that can destroy planets, but if you go Galactic Nemesis you get access to a Star-Killer that devours stars and turns them into black holes.

And if you manage to complete the special construction project you destroy the entire galaxy.

highly based tbqh and should be the end game of any self respecting sith

I think that was Vitiate’s Plan(The Swtor Emperor). To just eat the entire galaxy.

That does appear to be what they say happens with it.

the virgin vitiate versus the chad nihilus

bro just wanted to eat and wasn’t interested in making an empire out of it

yum yum tasty planets


What’s one petty galaxy in the face of godhood and dominion of all others?

i never understand the motivation of a lot of these villains, jrpgs being the prime candidates. villain says that by destroying all of creation they will become a god

how is that working on a technical level mate? you’ll be dead too


I got it! A giant space gun that fires planets at other planets! Gravity itself does half the work.

you can’t ask that question if everyone is dead
checkmate atheists

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protagonists hate it

Just like nearly all methods of generating electricity involve boiling water, all methods of warfare involve throwing rocks

wasn’t there a dungeon in swtor where someone made a space station that throws asteroids at planets

artificially creating mass extinction events for a laugh


Hi i heard there was khem val art

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BG3 patch 7 has dropped with their new modding stuff. Time to wait a month or so for modders to get their things in order for it :+1:

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