Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

I’m actually torn what to try if I dip back into Total Warhammer 3 - my deloved Dawi (“Retake the realm!!”) or try yet again to get Karl Franz rolling, having watched a vid to do with Empire troop options, and realising that me going for Swordsmen early on and trying to hold on for crossbows is both militarily AND economocially hamstringing me.

Drown Chaos and Beastmen in a swathe of red and white spearmen and archers, and THEN pick up Crossbows and such on tier 2 towns/cities.

But I could also try out the new Deeps system for Dwarfs…hrmn.

Deeps is really nice - I distinctly remember a Malakai campaign where I was desperately holding onto a single province and having basically a second set of buildings that gave me a bunch of bonuses and garrison would’ve been ideal

also it gives you a frankly ludicrous amount of money once you get rolling

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I just die a little inside every time an arathi mentions the empire or their emperor tbh

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friend brought up a question thats bugging me rn.
how did the arathi high elves not eat peoples faces from magic withdrawl on the sea journey to the other side of the world by being away from the sunwell for so long

Because they specifically confirmed back in WoD that the Sunwell doesn’t have a range limit when asked how the blood elves are going to cope on Draenor. Next.


well it was ten years ago i dont have the encyclopedic memory you have my friend.
thank you

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Or dimension. Or time.

Oh, can’t kill kel’thuzad in Sanctum because you need 2 people and unfortunately me and pet do not count.

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Also IDk why it just plays out that way but 4 of my elden ring characters names begin with V.



I learned that dracthyr priests using Apotheosis (the cool-down that gives you wings) get a void/light effect over your existing wings and it’s so pretty

Also give them paladins


So pretty.
I want to make a healing Evoker, but I’m also sorely tempted by those. Cos damn who wouldn’t be?

It’s a recolour of the arcane starry-sky effect you get on your wings when channelling the arcane bombardment spell (just because i main one doesn’t mean i know any spell names) and it’s absolute genius whoever thought of that deserves a lil kiss on the cheek


I really don’t like that lotro has changed how Fate works. It used to make you regain power (mana) in and out of combat + increase the mana pool size. They’ve removed the in-combat regen element.

I’m… sure… there were perfectly reasonable reasons for this, but it really makes me question how a power heavy class (which is all of them afiak) are actually able to handle later content without constantly going oom. Outside of stacking in-combat regen stat on gear (which is literally called just that) but that’s such a waste of one potential state placement when previously fate worked to act as three.

I was wrong, Nar Shaddaa is pretty damn fun as sith inquisitor. Jedi was boring but being a horrid little woman makes it worthwhile.


Stop being yourself!

transition timeline, we love to see it



Blood elves have unlimited wifi anywhere they go and I’m jealous.


I don’t particularly like that it transcends time, space, timelines or planets. I find it really dumb in fact. Eh.

It’s a headcanon, but i always imagined the “Arcane Focus” (that gets built up as the campaign progresses) acted as a distant capacitor/power bank for the blood elves on the Isle of Thunder. Either due to the distance or some ley line malarkey.