Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Not even, the only afaik current thing is Raid TP in the fated season if you clear mythic difficulty. Everything else bar AOTC reward(s) remain available after but at a reduced drop rate (ex. mythic mount going from 100% to 1% drop).

I hate FOMO, spoke out of before, when I left WoW I realised how reliant it is on FOMO and it also showed in my stint into DF.


I deleted my timerunning mage and racechanged my belf into her.

I don’t like mages enough to keep 3 on my main account and want to keep the one who I’ve done the most on.

Late TWW legendary quest with callbacks to the original.

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Yes, delete PvP. At this point PvP is a rot on WoW’s overall developmental resources. No one likes it, even the ones who play it. They play it because of sunkcost fallacy or maladaptive casino brains.

The fact PvP advanced beyond casual dunks in Battlegrounds a la Classic and became counter-strike-but-buggy is one of the enduring shames of this game and the fact its not being even remotely addressed because the entrenched pvp devs think they can woo the execs with “hey we can make esport money from this” has been going on ad nauseaum since at least cata.

Quite literally manchildren needing constant validation and support EVERY season.
Lets not forget that the worst personalities in this game drip pvpitis. The higher that pvp rank the higher the smell of BO coming off them is and nothing anyone says will convince me otherwise.


I can at least agree that WoW PvP has never been well designed, particularly functional nor smooth. The bizzare neverending balancing act of classes to smash into each other contributes to this.

It could be revised into something workable and competitive with entertaining systems but at that point your classes and familiar abilities aren’t even recognisable anymore. There’s a fundamental mistake in trying to balance a PvE skillset and abilities to a PvP arena. As a separate mode with different rules beyond stats and conditional victories it might stand a chance.

One of the threads I looked at literally had someone say, unironically, “If there’s no FOMO what is the point? I wouldn’t be doing (I think it was SL at that point) if not for FOMO, it must never change”

And, like… my guy, if you’ve a zero percent chance of doing the Thing without some ‘super speshul’ thing you can wave in peoples faces, uh, odds on the Thing is actually not good and you’re trapped in, as someone said, sunk cost fallacy. You may even need to seek help?


WoW pvp is actually great and has been great most of DF and looks to be even better in TWW.

There’s a few problems that continue to permeate, namely the amount of micro cc and mobility creep, but those are not hard to fix if Blizzard wants to get to it. Solo shuffle has been a massive success and BG blitz is looking like it’s going to be even bigger.

None of you seem to remember that there was a time where WoW pvp was not just a big part of WoW, it was actually comparable if not bigger than all of PVE combined, back in WoD (confirmed as much by Brian Holinka, who responded to a tweet Pvp is a minigame for most players, instead stating that more people play PVP than raiding for example).

Granted this was before m+ (which is a problematic form of content itself). I personally despise raiding and m+ and whenever they get the short end of stick I gleefully wag my middlefinger at them because they seem to have the very same contempt for pvp players, so tit for tat.

And it’s not like PVP is holding back or ruining game design either. For every time Blizzard has held back from a game design because “it’d ruin pvp”, there are a 100 decisions that have been held back because of raiding or m+.

If you don’t enjoy PVP, fair enough, you do you, I do mine. But don’t advocate for the removal of a piece of content because you do not like it. I loathe raiding and PVE and you can check from my achievements how many m+ or raids I did the entire DF. Or how many I will complete in TWW.

I can promise you, it will be 0, other than with follower dungeons and story mode raids.

There are arguments for both sides of the table, but for me, it boils down to this:

It’s one thing to not want other people to get things because you got it through hard work/effort/simply playing the current content.

It’s another thing entirely to exclude the said rewards from people because you have them, therefore you do not want others to have them.

Excluding content from others because it pleases you to keep other people down or restricted from things is fundamentally toxic and not something that is very evergreen for a game like WoW.

For me, FOMO rewards are fine, so long as they become available -after- the current version of the game has passed. Temporality is the key here, if you have the elite set, achievement or anything else from that season when that content is current, that is your reward.

But after that expansion has passed, everyone should have access to it. Be it through a vendor or whatever. Hell, even pvp titles are only seasonal and you have to re-earn them the next season and I never heard anybody complain about that.

So yes, FOMO rewards don’t need to go, they just need to be made available to everyone after the season has passed.


Actual controversial, hot take apparently, but I think some rewards only being available for a limited time (like the Ahn’Qiraj scarbas mentioned) is pretty cool, it’s cool when certain items are directly associated/‘proof’ of person X doing or being at Y at point Z during the game’s lifespan

Something like elite set appearances should probably be unlocked after the expansion has passed though, probably with the stipend that you still need a certain PVP rating for it - that way these armour appearances are still available, while maintaining the ‘unlocked through being good at pvp’ aspect of it that I imagine is at the core of it for many people

and yeah yeah whatever I’ll go seek out a psychiatrist now since that’s what I’m apparently supposed to do for thinking this

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It sucks seeing something cool which you’d want for your character only to be told “yeah sorry, limited time event, you should’ve been playing 10 years ago”.


in the case of the black qiraji tank, for many players it’s ‘you should’ve been born 10 years earlier’


I just think it’s cool when there’s some ‘legacy’ stuff around (like those items from the WotLK pre-patch that summon ghosts every now and then)!

think it’s a bit weird that this seems to be only applied to PVP and PVPers though since there’s exclusive high end ‘fomo’ rewards for raiding etc. as well, but I guess the important difference there is that there’s people here that enjoy high end PvE (so it’s not a problem) but not high end PvP (bad, kill all pvpers, put them in mental hospitals for wrongthinking)

the vitriol around [activity people dont want to do] because people think that effort put into it because it’s not ‘the biggest thing’ for the game coming from people with arguably the most niche activity in this game just feels weird and genuinely offputting

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Blizz need to release time limited mythic tier set colours and unique, serious transmog options tied entirely to pet battling.


I think for those important legacy events and whatnot, you could just have an achievement saying ‘you did this X years ago, congrats!’ while the item itself remains obtainable, e.g. the bug mount.

The only correct solution. Pet Battles could use a second Celestial Tournament, this time with mythic tier set rewards.

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this is entirely true

Wouldn’t mind if it was even called different stuff.

War-Hardened Qiraji Battle Tank vs. Newborn Baby Wuss Qiraji Battle Tank.

Both look the same.

But a quick hover over their tooltip icon reveals the truth…


Oh definitelty. Players shouldn’t be punished for, say, having a bad cold during the grind hell week to earn the hypothetical Monstrous Millipede mount. The people able to attend the event get it free along with the bragging rights achievement, the bedbound has to farm 7000 Flexing Timeflakes off the relevant mob later on to buy it off Chromie as though you were there way back when.


I curse every star in the sky that Ashara Zavros isn’t queer

When in doubt Feat of Strength achievement out.

Today I learned that a community(Its not a WoW thing dont worry) I didn’t at all expect to have a far-right issue seems to be having it, especially due to very recent events with it.

Oh, which?