Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

food or drinks is the way, im starting an anti rock climbing movement

man was not meant to walk the path of the mountain goat


Man wasn’t intended to harness the power of the sun to turn water to steam to converse with others over thousands of miles by streaming electrons through endless lengths of copper and glass.

Coward that you are. Become the goat. Surpass the goat. Become the G.O.A.T.


my mind has been changed. i see the future now. i know what i must do - take aerilen on a bouldering date

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a gnome operated assault transport?

All looms upgraded.

I am now a broke butt biiiii–


GOAT’s a pretty cool swedish hippie-ish fusion music band actually off the top of my head (their costumes are pretty dope)

More of this plz blizz

you just spend a few hours thinking about this

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I definitely want the Core Hound after missing it last time. And might get me to start the Dark Iron I’ve been threatening for a while now.
Hmn… Fire Mage, mebbe?


If it was just the ‘oh this player was about 10 years ago and took part in this’ then i’d give it a slide, though even then i’m not particularly keen on ‘grandfather’ achievements.

It’s that some (sorry, a lot) of players use these things to lord over others and pretend that because they have this mount, that title, this tabard or whatever that they’re somehow inherently better and superior when in fact they were just there at the right time at the right place.

The root of the problem often comes down to the fact achievements are viewable by others, they should not be. This should not be a schmeat waving competition, we already have that with dps meters and worse.

Bit hyperbole innit. Not sure how you can go from reading there are literal manchildren who spend actual thousands of dollars / euros on end game and exclusive (TCG) items and then brag about it to their online cohort of whales and then associating that with psychiatric treatment.

because people here were quite literally stating that people that disagreed with their stance should go and seek help (ie a psychiatrist), which i think is an insane thing to state but hey!

What’s the next best class for a blackrock orc aside warrior?

And what would be a good transmog for the character?

Warlock(Destruction)/Mage(Fire) or Rogue.

And transmog for said classes?

EDIT: Could do destro lock and sac the pet.

Just a few off wowhead:-

Turns out apart from the corehound and hatespark the tiny I actually got most of those. Never thought I’d ever be able to use that Blizzard Bear for anything else other than walking behind me…

Hunter with a gun.

I don’t really care if ‘exclusive’ items are made more readily available at a later date. It’s not like there hasn’t already been a period of exclusivity already and I’d wager a lot of people who have the rewards in question barely use them in the first place.

I think titles are the perfect exclusive reward. A neat little nametag to prove whatever you did, you did it at the time or first or whatever and yet not too amazingly cool or visually stimulating that you feel mainly annoyed if you missed out. When you see someone with the Scarab Lord title I don’t think your mind immediately goes to “Damn I wish I was a Scarab Lord”. What your brain wants is the mount.


Chris Metzen: creates a large, evocative world of different continents, planes of existence, and many cultures each with their own unique aesthetics and feel.

Also Chris Metzen: the capital city of Lordaeron is named Capital City.


I mean, the human names don’t exactly stand out for originality.

Kingdom of Stromgarde capital: Stromgarde

Kingdom of Dalaran capital name: Dalaran

Kingdom of Gilneas capital name: Gilneas City

Kingdom of Lordaeron capital name: Capital City

Kingdom of Stormwind ( formerly Azeroth) capital name: Stormwind

Kingdom of Alterac capital name: Alterac City

Only Kul Tiras has an original name for their capital, Boralus, the rest of the humans be like:

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To clarify what I meant at least (can’t speak for anyone else), I was specifically referring to the sort of people who fly into a blind rage, considering PVP ‘ruined’ and that anyone wanting mounts, mogs, etc that may well not even have been available before they played the game is ‘entitled’ and introducing such would ‘destroy their entire reason for playing/striving’ etc.

As in, if a persons self worth and fun is only enabled by other people never ever having something, that… isn’t a healthy mindset, frankly?