Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Some of the ‘Kingdoms’ are lucky that they’re depicted as something more than a city, a pier and a village in external forms of media nevermind in-game.

The game has to be collapsed in scale to make it playable. But i really don’t like the 1:1 representation some novels have. Blizzard’s depiction of villages, towns and cities have gotten a lot better since Legion. Mind.


I remember back in Day of the Dragon, even Hillsbrad and Southshore were mentioned as seperate kingdoms. But, back then Blizzard used the warcraft 2 map of the Eastern Kingdoms where some places were in different locations than in wow.

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Why are male Earthen so far down on the forum portraits?
It looks like they’re struggling to be in frame. Is this a thing with the fleshy male dwarves too?

It’s because they’re technically city states/kingdoms that added more and more area over time. (the HRE was full with those as an example)
WoW just doesn’t really have the other kind of state that’s a bunch of smaller towns ruled by either one odd set of nobles or a council of sorts.

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Would just like a bit of ambition with world building please.


there’s a town in his personal setting called “Kannibus Hills” marked by a giant green tree.


I need 10 Marks of Honour…

Why, why did I miss comp stomp week? I hate PVP :sob:

Que epic BG and then just sit the furthest objectives possible or run at the edges of the map.

I can now post from my earthen.

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You’re also so far down… forum really calling earthen short

The red around me relfects the rage contained in my small body.


I think that is doubly true for earthen.

Just found out that Rockstar offered Heaven 17 7500 dollars (and no royalties ever) to include ‘Temptation’ in GTA6 and gamers are pretending Heaven 17 are stupid for rejecting this offer lmao

Did they find some jar with spar change some higher up from Take Two forgot at the office and decide may as well try to buy a song with it?

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I’m honestly just stunned that they really thought they could try and pay for a major hit song like that with exposure

“Teacher sues for use of biological names”

… what the f…

Truenamer trying to ensure that there’s no demons in their class.


I want her true name because she’s clearly the demon in the classroom.

The fact she’s an english teacher and called it; “biological names”


What the heck are biological names.

Names are created by humans for their convenience. Nature doesn’t care one bit what we call things.


take a wild guess…

But she was deadnaming trans students (and misgendering, but the fact she said she was only going to use biological names), STUDENTS, TEENAGERS. The grown adult was bullying teenagers