Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Despite the grey landscape, it still feels quite nice. It feels eerie, like you are now truly out from civilization and off towards the unknown.

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Lotro is probably the king mmo when it comes to visual world building, each zone seamlessly transitions (minus a few that need load screens for obvious reasons) and each immediately tells you what it’s about just by the grass.


it’s a shame that for all of the world building and landscapes that the actual moment to moment gameplay is so frustrating

i like being in the world, but i hate that my character ice skates around it like they’re not physically attached to the ground

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I like the animations in LOTRO for the most part, but the walk animations. Ow.

And now i have begun on my priest.

Paladin after her, then Evoker if I’ve not run out of steam by then (want to get everybody with a heal spec done so I can throw as many alts at nathria to finish my damned sets)

Have you levelled a mage yet?

I tried, it’s still level 75 because it was such a slog and feels like an asthmatic smoker trying to climb stairs.

Even as arcane, I can kill one mob every 30 sec with my cooldowns, otherwise i’m hastily running away throwing arcane barrages because if i take more than 3 hits I’m dead.

Basically i’m asking if this is a universal thing for casters this expac or if I’m just really bad at mage.

Mage is one of the two classes I actually heavily dislike and while my mage is now a zandalari, she’ll probably be last or one before last to level.

I am not looking forward to THAT though because she hasn’t got 480 gear to fall back on.

My other dislike is warrior.

Apparently frost is unkillable though according to some thread on the gen forums that didn’t involve “WoW’s gone woke” so maybe try frost?

I’ve heard frost is overperforming in at least pvp, I guess I’ll have to try it out.

I don’t think mage leveling has ever been fun/good.

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The periods i go through where i seriously want to play mage are fleeting and far between.

I really do just truly not vibe with the class.

This has been the Arcane Mage levelling experience for a few expansions now I feel, unfortunately

That’s unfortunate, my own experience wasn’t helped by the fact in DF zones while levelling 60-70 I was one shotting everything, as soon as I zoned into the Dalaran scenario, I couldn’t even kill one of the small mobs without spending a minute dpsing it down, then having to drink after it.

Last few expansions I’ve only really played Arcane Mage and Marksman Hunter (yeah I liked playing Engineer in Team Fortress 2, what about it?), both have a point in levelling where you suddenly feel a lot squishier and weaker in damage output (although it was fine with Marksman this time around), and it’s always been consistently rough with Mage. It’s painful because once at max level and with some okay gear it becomes really fun again

I like(d?) fire mage a lot ever since Alysrazor’s fight in Cata, but mage seems like one of the classes where the gear reset of the expansion hits them the hardest, and they only really start to feel good by .1/.2 patches.

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Fire is the only mage spec I can “stand” to play.

But even after that its still; I would rather not play mage"

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yeah the problem I’ve heard with fire is it kinda sucks until the last season due to needing big stats for big numbers

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After 7 hours the delve has released me

0/10 would not recommend being stuck in permanent death state

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Reasons to play Mage:-

  1. Portals

and that’s it

-Sylvanas Windrunner


playing any other class after playing Mage for a while does feel terrible because of the lack of portals and then some - the mere thought of having to walk, ride, or fly somewhere…


Me with Engineering and wormholes.