Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

And thats what Bilbo Baggin’s hates.

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I just learned who the first person on the list of honorary Harlem Globetrotters is and I feel compelled to let you find out

You will not guess who is #1 if you had a million tries

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Richard Nixon


Okay I’m claiming partial credit based on vibes.

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yknow what. i had three guesses and he would have been my fourth. immaculate.

This night it turned one year since I left Russia.

Zero regrets.


I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, but never gave it a go. I’ve heard the starter set is especially good as well!

I’ve found Free LEague Publishing’s products like that in general to be of very high quality.

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The starter set was what I was eyeing.

I’ve now looked up its contents and I’m now convinced to buy it. It’s just so atmospheric, aesthetically, in addition to apparently being a good game.

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I’m a little surprised you didn’t have it already, to be honest!

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I have nobody to play it with!

Time to change that, then! Board game night, except you whip the starter set out :sunglasses:

I have nobody to organize board game nights with, either :frowning:

I currently live alone (my wife is just preparing to leave Russia) and I don’t think my coworkers would be interested.


Is there a local gamestore or community (that might be worth looking into in general in particular)? My own group’s made up of one friend I already had + a bunch of people we found through placing an ad in an online community for games in the country


Look, let’s close the subject, don’t make it worse.

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I continue to lament the swing-y nature of hosts, invaders and multiplayer in Elden Ring.

Any open-world boss/miniboss should 100% target invaders too. They can already do accidental/splash damage, but they should legit target too.

Trying to fight a just-lagging-enough-to-dodgeroll-everything invader as a co-op while fighting a damn dragon? Yeah. No good.

Then you get some runs where you don’t even get invaded at all. So… go figure?

They might surprise you. I thought the same about mine, but then it turns out there’s a quiet contingent just aching to spend 2-4 hours in the evening once a week hanging out with a game as a social lubricant.

Unintentional FF7 cover art vibes as I approach the royal city.


Ugh, Youtube randomly decided to null its algorithm it had for me. Is this enough for me to start using Youtube only logged in? No, I hate that, so I now have to train the algorithm all over again.

Love getting spammed with Russian content, just fantastic. :roll_eyes:

you’ve got that USSR algorithm fr fr

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No, it’s just that for some insane reason Estonia equates to Russian language for Youtube. (It’s probably just the most common language in the region I guess, but it’s still very annoying + I lost my LGBTQ+ content algorithm).


Support for languages (including translated interfaces) costs money
Esti small
Esti no give much money
Esti suffer

If you can find one you could just let a curated LGBTQ+ playlist run through while you’re doing other stuff.