Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

The first leg of Heart of the Swarm is great.

Then you go to Gorgrond Zerus and the game slowly but surely arcs and begins its descent into what eventually becomes Legacy of the Void.

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Kerrigan getting de-zerged only to turn around and immediately say “actually I wanna get zerged again” is kinda funny though.

heart of the swarm is certainly one of the stories of all time

good gameplay for the most part (and it has two steve blum characters), absolute nonsense story

Just took Fire Giant out of my summoning pool.

Actually just bored of Running Simulator One Shot Bossman for the umpteenth, unsatisfying and unfiniahed time. He doesn’t even give a justifiable rune reward.

Nearly as bad as Crucible Knights. “Here you beat something that is more obnoxious than some legit bosses, have some pocket lint LOL”.
Get in the sea…

Me on my male mage in V Rising currently;

He is literally wearing one of those old fashioned governess dresses.

One of the best cinematic openings Blizzard have done though.

Also it brought us Abathur and Dehaka :pray:

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The person who said that Kerrigan should’ve died at the end of WoL (raynor saying ‘screw destiny, i promised Fenix’), then Heart is about Zagara learning to take command of the Swarm, into Legacy of the Void being the Protoss desperately scrambling to avoid the end time they now know is coming because the prophecy is gone…

what could have been

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That sounds great but unfortunately while Zagara IS purple and a lady she is not stereotypically hot, and therefore this doesn’t work for blizzard.


she’s the real Heart of the Swarm - in that she doesn’t use the Zerg like the Overmind and Kerrigan did, she is Zerg


Speaking of Heart of the Swarm and hivequeens , wasn’t there a comic that showed Niadra returning? The one that was left on the protoss ship from Kaldir with her last directive being “Destroy all protoss” ?

enters the chat
leaves the chat.

she is entirely full of banelings. i’m not judging you but i would not recommend it

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There was, though I didn’t read it. I’m guessing it’s to help set up any potential SC3 plotline wise…but they have probably realised it’s a bit hard to follow up on how SC2 ended scale-wise, and any “new era” will end up feeling more spinoff wheel-spinning than and story that really wants/needs to be told.

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Tal’darim campaign going on a raiding run for more technology, into a zerg campaign of the brewing abathur/zagara civil war, ending with the UED’s full fleet coming back in

please give me seventy thousand dollars for my idea mister blizzard


Remember when, for reasons beyond human comprehension, they had the original SC2 trailer overdubbed for the game’s launch with Emperor Mengsk spelling out that Tychus is actually working for him? And then try to have it as a mystery through the entire campaign?

What a time.

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Saw someone on twitter call Chromie a dwarf and now I think it’d be funny to have a character who just cannot tell or care about the difference between gnomes and dwarves, even if it’s explained to them multiple times.

Do the same for all orcs and trolls. Hunch? Big teeth? Blue or green skin? Pointy ears? Eventually someone says “trolls have eyebrows, orcs have beards” and it fits, but then they see Thrall and Vol’jin and it gets extremely confusing all over again.


oof ouch right in the heart, that one


yes officers this one right here

my gnome would consider being mistaken for a brawny dwarven woman a compliment


Playing Fallout London has reminded me of just how stupid FO4’s baseline companion affinity system is.

In order to unlock companion quests (and in turn, their special perk) and romance options, you need to build affinity. This is done by a variety of different things depending on the companion - things like weapon/armour modding, stealing, hacking, lockpicking, using chems, etc. etc.

The problem is that some of those are very easy to trigger - find the right spot and you can spam steal a bunch of items! And they don’t want you farming your affinity too fast, because that’s not realistic. So instead they cap stuff with a cooldown period of in-game time, of around 48 hours.

Or quicksaving and quickloading the game. It’s not quite ‘save scumming’, exactly. But it is still very stupid.

However the game did give me a shotgun with a six-chambered ‘revolver’ style loader and that is very cool. I don’t think it exists IRL, probably because it’s unnecessary and kinda silly, but it’s still cool.

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I’m considering preordering the new D&D PHB in paper edition, but… supporting Hasbro with my money… After all, I didn’t buy any of the original 5e rulebooks (arrrr!), so why start now?

On a totally unrelated note, is The One Ring RPG any good?