Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

Why did they make a new death knight starting experience only to immediately timelock it to the small time period between BfA and Shadowlands instead of creating something more evergreen

like idk
Darion Mograine just raising new DKs and being like “we gotta kill some undead bro, we gotta kill them, suffer well bro, here’s your new sword, armour, and a platonic slap on the rear, time to kill.”

whoops, instead we included Bolvar the Seatwarmer


late night order, first thing I’ve eaten in days (that is not orange juice with sugar in it).

Tomorrow is Monday…

-Starts quietly screaming, starting low and steadily rising in pitch…-

Hope you’re getting something tasty atleast :slight_smile:

Ordered from my local burger place because they do late night orders.


Bro aint even the Lichking anymore. “But neither is arthas” i hear someone say when i look at the non-allied race original DK start experience. Sure he isnt but that questline was one of and still is one of the dopest quest experiences in WoW. if they gave us anything nearly as cool for allied-race DK’s or newer gen’s then id say something

I miss Lich king bolvar

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Maybe i should change my mechagnome hunter to survival, go full in on the bombs.

The silly thing is, as far as the Litch King (and other faction leaders etc goes) they have the technology to make it a, mostly, non-issue. It’s called phasing.

I mean I dunno they could have key quests either individually or as a combined whole act as a ‘this is the leader you see’ check, possibly in combination with chromie time. Yes there will still be some oddities simply due to the fact that you can do most zones in whatever order now, but it would help at least.

But instead we got one litch king in icecrown, another in org, three different leaders on the org throne, garrosh still shoving chess peices around whilst telling everyone how smart he is even whilst he tries to eat his own toe etc. It’s a mess, and a more-or-less fixable one.

Peeve: holding other people on a pedestal. Be that content creators, influencers, artists, authors, actors, community leads, guild masters - or even just one’s own friends. Be inspired, appreciate their work, but don’t equate the work to be the person. Everyone has unsatisfactory qualities, and if you’re sometimes disappointed even in the people dearest to you - why idolize someone you’ve never even met? Those figures will never be the image one built in their head based on a curated display, and then come a big or even the slightest fault, a fracture to that unreal image, people rush to the barricades from a place of deep disappointment. Sometimes it is deserved, sometimes it is not. I find public online conversation to be exhaustingly polarized most of the time.

John Scalzu wrote a post that I very much agree with about idolizing people:


I should probably stop tabling the Cult of Acrona meetings

(It’s like 60% genuine appreciation for your art and consistent work, and 40% The Bit)


The only person I idolise is Wenduag of the Neathers.


Bratty Spider lady is best girl.


“We’re not good people, but we make each other better” is one of the best ship dynamics

(durge/minthara rise up)


Whenever I romance Wenduag, I am definitely NOT making her better. I end up being a straight up enabler of her bad habits.

I make her worse, and I love her.

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you are a gremlin (positive)


There’s a fair whack of youtubers, influencers, models and so on that manipulate this parasocial relationships for more wealth or worse.

Feel like social media companies et al should have some regulation over it but eh.


Having to do my writing homework for LARP this coming weekend, which includes the 10-15 minute ritual performance including a whole song I’m likely going to perform

why do I do this to myself aaaaaaaaa

Because you’re a neerrrrrd

Peeved by how tired you get when anaemia. Haven’t eaten? Low energy. Just ate? Bone tired because brain is running on like 2 red blood cells and a dream.


Solution: Become a Vampire and munch on some person.