Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

If you’re talking about the controversy about that one ingame ad: That’s part of the aggressive, exploitative advertising of the world, showing that no one and nothing is excluded from that.

There’s one side char who’s trans. Imo she’s handled very well.
If you do her side quest you get a big car with a trans pride flag on the bumper.

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I think one of the issues with Cyberpunk overall is that it has a bit of that Witcher 3 thing, in that it likes to show what a “serious” setting it is by constantly having bad guys make graphic sexual remarks and slurs at female characters.

It’s that 16 year old mentality of how to make an “edgy” setting.

Beyond that my main issue was as I said several times, I can’t stand Johnny Silverhand. Otherwise it is pretty fun. I enjoyed it for the most part and there are some great moments and characters.

One thing I’ve been told is that enemy mobs will used a lot of uh… colourful, gendered language at me etc in combat.

yeah that

Yeah, as said in my comment just before yours, it is a typical thing in the setting to show “edge”.

Yeah I do think that’s an issue when you fight gang members, honestly I have a hard time remembering it because I played a stealth build
I’m also more prone to remember the funny made up swear words they have though so really can’t tell you how prevalent it actually is.
I do remember fem V being called a “female dog” though. Male V mostly gets the more gender neutral equivalents?

Car flag:

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I did play femV and didn’t notice anything egregious, but take that with the pinch of salt that I am dude-shaped and that kind of thing would probably wash past me

I think its sad you cant join a gang. I want to join the Mox on my V.

my other question is whether the game actually lets me stick it to the corpos n all

Yes, but it also involves you dealing with an “OC do not steal” tough guy played by Keanu Reeves.

can i stick it to the corpos and do my best to ignore keanu

Sadly not, with is my main issue with the game.

Keanu does want to nuke the corpos too at least

There’s … seven or eight endings and only three have you not go on a rampage against one of the big corporation and you have to very actively pick those (one is from the DLC)

is the dlc worth it?

Imo yes very much.
Double yes if you like spy thrillers.

Also the best part of the game is still the music imo

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That and Jackie Welles. He is such a good character.

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Still angry with the guy who decided to cut the intro short because “people didn’t finish playing the Witchter 3”

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Yeah that was a horrible decision.

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Another good thing: It’s a story with a lot of sad things

I do so enjoy the sad things

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just spent an hour in a ten minute prologue because i couldnt stop throwing back and forth theories

gw2 bros i am SO back

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well, I played Remix only like two days ago, but I managed to get a monk to lvl 70 and snatch two rare mounts that are near impossible to farm in retail, the Thundering Ruby and the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent, so , I’m happy. Do wish now that I’d played some more but, that’s on me.