Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

I’m hard to peer pressure and Blizzard has less pressure than my old school “friends” and bullies but I do get why people bought it.

If it helps a little: It takes only around 4 hours to reach max level if you run dungeons and there aren’t even heroic dungeons atm so there’s no gearing.
Questing takes a little longer but not that much.

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I held off because my PC arrived early so I’m trying to set it up and because I don’t wanna pay more for early access that I wasn’t sure would be bug-free or not.

Also has given me time to finish off some Dragonflight chores. I got the Ohn’ara mount, Phoenix Wishwing, the Ouroboros Tablet pet from Zaralek Caverns all in one day, so I’m pretty pleased. I’m now doing the Secrets of Azeroth.

Apparently, you need 4 people to get the secret mount, and obviously everyone is busy over TWW and I’m not sure if I’d even find other ppl to help me with the secret mount. :frowning:

That’s my peeve of the day.

I bought the middle edition myself cause i did want the mount and mog. And ill have to buy gametime soon anyhow , but atleast ill get 2 months for 25 euro instead of 1 month for 20 euro…

Edit: Also thought I’d get to play tonight, but alas, it’s tomorrow night :frowning:

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I’m only going to buy the base edition because I made a precommitment to give Blizzard only the absolute minimum money required to support roleplay. If it was possible to RP without a subscription, I’d do that.

Even then I’m in no hurry to buy TWW.


I feel so overstimulated today, it’s annoying me greatly.

Top 10 anime betrayal :clown_face:

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Sometimes when I’m not doing my job at work I’ll scroll through youtube shorts, and I dunno if it’s my algorithm or what but I get a lot of cooking stuff in there.

Normally that’s not a problem, but it peeves me to no end how wasteful some of them can be with food/ingredients for the sake of a shot. Like a dude dipping his sandwich into some dip and spilling a whole bunch of it when it overflows. That’s, supposedly, good food, and you’re wasting it!


Painful to do Mimiron’s Jumpjets when everyone’s busy leveling in TWW with early access. :confounded:

Sitting in STV becoming a skeleton right now.


One more day and the underground people are no longer save from us
Remember to bring the fly swatter and set it to spider.


I am going to go and level now, I was asleep all day.

Social interactions really do knock it out of me.

I just want to get to 80 for comp stomp.

Hello from my new PC. Things haven’t exploded yet. Now to reinstall everything I need. :weary:


Good luck thats always the worst part.

It’s just slow because it’s bogged down by net speed now. :sob:


Less a peeve and more just a general “God I wish”.

i hate guild wars 2 elementalist because i see the absolute monstrous (affectionate) visuals it gave their new spear skills then i look back to wow mages and shamans and it feels so lacking by comparrison. my shaman weakly throws a small ball of magma at an enemy. my elementalist just opened a volcano under a deer because they could.

And done! hit 80 on Binx.

Now for the 2 days of comp stomp.

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Is it release day, or is it another “oh, it releases on this day, but US time - Europe is at basically Midnight, so technically -” example of nonsense? ._.

Unfortunately for you the latter - 11pm tonight, if my time zone googling is correct

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The timer confirms this as the correct time.

Ugh. Disgusting.

That does it. Bring back the Empire, we’re putting everything on GMT and sensibly engineered plug sockets! :angry:

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Now dont be hasty Master Meriadoc…