Pet peeves: The return (Part 8)

My manifestation is that I’ll get EA through Raider IO’s BTM, because I do want it… for the Squally pet and the three others you get from it as well. And I guess the Tenders too.

Got angry at the ‘Gear Upgrade’ for my Vulpera being as annoying as ever.

Less angry once I realised it had actually given me genuinely Better gear in like 8 slots (And the awkward ones, like rings, trink, neck etc) and felt better once I got all the talents re-done (stop giving me ten billions clickies - Passives. For. Days!)

And he’s also level 69 (nice) after starting at 63 which is… impressive, for a SUPER casual evening. And I’ve nearly completed the Monthly Trading Post stuffWait a minute, I’m very un peeved, what gives?!

this wont do find something to be peeved about. google the economy.

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I am immensely happy over this, well done!


Small but actual peeve: Every damn tiktok reel and small youtube movie that has something to do with the sea using the goshdarn “Thieves and Beggars” song from Pirates of the Caribbean.



I really like that song but autoscroll past every short that has it. Most of the time it doesn’t even fit.

(Actual title is Hoist the Colours btw)

Random WW feature I somehow missed: How to send various currencies between chars.
Go to your character’s currency tab, hover over the currency, if it has a little campfire on the left when you hover over it you can send it around different chars with no restrictions.

Doesn’t affect all currencies but made my pre-expansion transmog shopping a lot easier. Just shoved a lot of Dragon Isles Supplies onto my priest


I stand corrected, thank you! But yeah I figured everyone’d know what song I meant anyhow.

They’ve already forgotten the original lore (Wellerman)


Been doing some fun activities on Lotro today while waiting on War Within tomorrow. Did some birdwatching(Managed to find all of the different birds in the shire, so many types of finches), and then participated in the farmer’s market in-game event.

I bought a cow! And a wicker chair for my house.

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Peeve: I have to go to work tomorrow. And it sounds like we’ll be doing the damn contractors jobs, and shifting all the damn furniture around while the put the damn new floor in. Finally.

Oh well.
Got my Vulpera to level 69 and my Goblin to 64 without even really trying with her (WQs) and got the monthlies for Trading Post done in time.
Next month. Warden Armour. Mine.


Welcome to the carribean luv.

We forget our heritage and our heritage will forget us.


You’re doing the quote wrong, mate.

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Why can’t I buy Wildercloth bags on Auction House on Horde!!! Aaaa!

It says item not found, but there’s plenty and whatnot!!! I can choose them, and see they exist!

Am I doing it wrong or is my doing it wrong solely to make you think im doing it wrong when in fact i’m actually doing it right thus deceiving you into thinking your right and I am quoting it wrong when in fact my quoting it wrong is very much in the spirit of Captain Jack Sparrow.

(i have no idea where im going with this)

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That’s where we’re going with it.

okay, so the honour gear doesn’t come out until the season is out so I have to wait for the next compstomp to get my vulpera’s stuff.

I see, I see.

EDIT: Still though, 6 more items to replace, will do that tomorrow. Then I’ll be 558 ilevel.

As shadowlands languishes in the pit of repressed memories, I still do travel that way for certain things and must confront just how broken it was and remains. Where WoD was barely a game, Shadowlands is constructed poorly and subject to constant issues.

In my latest damage report I find some kind of neglect broke the anima conduit and set a certain visual effect off centre, the mission table bloating the characters on display and something about the covenant ability interface broke down to the point that tooltips tell me the offensive ability is built around the Warrior’s Execute no matter your class. I also ended up with two such buttons, only one of which works.

Spectacular. Brava!


You guys watch shorts?

I like shorts!

They’re comfortable and easy to wear!

(This is a Pokémon reference)


Good lord. Subjective etc but ubisoft had such an easy win with an ‘open world star wars game’ and gestures to a deformed mess in the corner that’s what they came out with.

There’s good ideas everywhere in it, but they do nothing with them. And those they do run with they run with badly.

Back to the mmo grind I guess.