Pet Tamers of Kalimdor

There were only two daily tamers available today in Kalimdor… Winterspring and Moonglade. The Ashenvale tamer gave me a standard quest to Stonetallon then Desolace and then the tamers stopped giving quests and no daily battles. The tamer in Feralas and Southern Barrens has no blue marker daily quest… I aint flying to any more as its a waste of time.

So what happened. I shall try again tomorrow, but for now its not working.

Celestial Tournament quest on Timeless isle is gone too

I was informed that the Pet Tamers had been fixed in Kallimdor and then fly out to Ashenvale and its still broken. The tamer is giving me a yellow quest and not a pet battle daily. As yesterday that will simply dry up in Desolace and no more pet tamers. Surely they can work out what they have done.

I raised a response to the ticket and no doubt have to wait till tomorrow now to get another response. Just that flying out for ages to get somewhere to find the daily not available is a bit frustrating. So thats an end to that for another day.


It looks like they have reset the very starter quest you do before you can start doing Battle Pets pet tamers. So now I am going round all the tamers again and doing my very first quest chain for the tamer dailies. What is even more bonkers is that some of the tamers have two battles for you… like Zoltan in Fellwood as he has the daily and the quest for the tamers. Will be the same I am sure in Moonglade as Moonglade, Fellwood and Winterspring were the only quests open to me yesterday. I’ve already been to Grazzle the Great and Cassandra Kaboom and they didn’t have a daily for me to do today … AGAIN.

Someone threw the wrong switch during the patch installation and erased the history from established players in terms of what they had done with tamers. And it screwed everything up. Reminds me of when they lost the logs for archaeology which they never fixed … hope this one does cus its getting harder and harder finding things to do I actually enjoy in this game.

I do remember the archaeology log failure! Was one of victims too, thankfully they restored everything, at least to the extent I had remembered. :stuck_out_tongue:
The initial quest chain has been always bonkers though, due to the questline being fully duplicated for the sake of both factions. I don’t deny the problems emerging right now, however, just FYI. I have seen a glitch too as my summoned falcosaur asked me to level her to 25! (I have all four mounts.)

About the missing quests, I have replied in the other thread, which you seem to have seen too. :slight_smile:

What happened today was that the GM admitted a problem with the resetting of the tamer dailies but said that it had been fixed. Yesterday I gave up with this char and left her stationed at Zoram Ashenvale so I could check if it had been fixed today.

So later yesterday I started a new character on a new realm and plodded on to the pet battle quest giver at the square just outside Silvermoon. He asked me to level a pet to three and then proceeded to give me the bread crumb to go to Orgrimmar and start the tamer quests.

Today when I went back to Org on this char I could see the yellow questionmark over the tamer and so I accepted the starter quest for the tamers… both of them, even though I had already done them.

When I got to Felwood Zoltan wanted to give me both the daily and the tamer quest, but I was only able to complete one. I currently can only do Felwood, Moonglade and Winterspring.

I went back to AnaLynn in Ashenvale but there was only a yellow quest, no blue daily that simply tells me to go to Stonetallon. I could do one at Stonetallon and one in Desolace with Merda but no more. I however could complete the quest given to me in Orgrimmar for Thousand Needles and Feralas. I also did the one just outside Org… plus interestingly the one on the hill outside Crossroads on a blue daily… weird. But not Southern Barrens.

I say all this cus the GM seemed to be comforted that I had completed Pet Tamers. What he failed to appreciate was that those were pet tamers associated with that quest chain… I am guessing that in modifying the quest run for the new dungeon so that both factions can do it they have fiddled with something but are not yet aware of the problem. My concern is that it will not be dealt with cus so few probably are repeating the tamers in Kalimdor.

So tomorrow I expect the daily to be still busted cus its the lesser of a problem to leave it than address the changes they made to the patch for the new dungeon. I do hope I’m wrong. I got so upset about the archaeology and it just got brushed under the carpet. This has that feeling again.

By the way they reset a lot of yellow quests that I had already completed. I can see them in various locations. They muck around with stuff and then fail to properly check it to see how it impacts on others. Whilst I was standing hoping to to do the quest in Dustwallow that I couldn’t do an Alliance player tagged PvP landed on top of me and was able to get to the tamer. Wonder what he thought as I was like over 45 levels higher than him. So funny.

Long post… sorry for that.


Scrub all that … They fixed it today. I’m sitting here eating humble pie. Love you Blizzard… Big hugs. Well done.

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