Pet Team

Trying to do the Pet Battle Bonus Event. My first experience with Pet Battle PvP. Have lvl'ed Core Hound Pup, Dark Phoenix Hatchling and Lil' Tarecgosa to max lvl (all rare), but finding them not really gelling as a team.

Are there any good teams around, preferably with one or more of the above-mentioned pets?
There are plenty of viable teams, but I would consider those three pets to be not especially strong in PvP. Let me put it this way: if you had a viable team containing one of them, that one would probably be the weakest link.

Rosqo gives his opinion on the currently strongest pets for PvP here:
but strong pets is one thing - more important is to choose pets that work together well so that you have a plan.YouTube channels Discodoggy and Rosqo show off some teams that will work pretty well in the current meta.
You need a lot of pets to win many games because you constatly need to change teams to counter other players. It's hard to do it with just 3 pets, it's even worse if someone decides to build a counter to your team and you're stuck with those pets.

Edit: It's nice that Blizz encourages people to play PvP pet battles, but maybe the 5 wins quest should be changed to be easier for begginers. Beat 5 tamers instead of win 5 pvp battles.
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14/11/2018 16:40Posted by Nimbledigits
You need a lot of pets to win many games because you constatly need to change teams to counter other players. It's hard to do it with just 3 pets, it's even worse if someone decides to build a counter to your team and you're stuck with those pets.

Edit: It's nice that Blizz encourages people to play PvP pet battles, but maybe the 5 wins quest should be changed to be easier for begginers. Beat 5 tamers instead of win 5 pvp battles.

That would'v been too easy. Find pet battle already gives a decent chance to newer players due to rock paper scissors system, plus there is plenty people trying to get 10 wins with specific pet type for the achievement if you have 1 or 2 counters to that type it's often an easy win.

To OP, usually most successful teams are either build for specific combo, for example Poda with Uncanny Luck (Increases your team's hit chance by 50% and critical strike chance by 25% for 4 rounds.) Feign Death plus pet with Demolish (50% hit chance but hit like a truck), or Versatility teams that have a lot of different defensive tools and counters.

Take infamous Anubisath Idol why is it so good? Well because it have durability, sustain from racial, Deflection as counter to burst one shot combos, Sandstorm against multihit abilities, dots, aoe abilities and weather combos, and Crush as stable source of damage. You can just whittle your opponent down countering their every move.

Also do not underestimate S/S breeds - speed is the key to so many abilities in PvP, lone bunny can kill you entire team if you can't stop it's dodges and borrows.
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