Petition to remove Pet Battle

no else to say than go play pokemon if you fancy some “critters” go 1v1.


If you don’t like just don’t do it. Let us, the players who like it just keep playing.


What is your problem?

I agree, remove them, useless feature the time they spend on implementing stuff for pet battles and such could be spent on other things which would be much more usefull.

you don’t want the people who work on pet battles to do other stuff… better keep them where they are right now kek

Pet battles generate way too much income via the in game shop for them to remove.

There is so little investment in pet battles it’s a joke within the community. If they diverted the resources it would probably equate to having one extra NPC in the background that you couldn’t talk to because they would glitch into the ground or a building.

I didn’t want to give this rubbish the recognition of a response, but it’s not just pet shop.

From last year, when we had somewhat-sane figures, pet battling is gameplay for somewhere between 8% (up to date, keeping current with most things completed) and 25% of the playerbase.

That blows away Mythic raiding in terms of player engagement, and is competitive with Heroic and Arena.


depends on the kind of gameplay. if we’re talking about people doing just the world quests in nazjatar and mechagon for the rep and nothing else i wouldn’t count that


I’m a bit more familiar with pet achievements than THAT. I remember the carpetbagger Ikky boom well - made some nice gold out of it! :moneybag:

8% was like up to date with dungeons. 12% was 600 pets, CT, and Pro Pet Mob.

25% was the early Taming achievements, Battle on the Broken Isles and like that.

So no, I meant people who actually did something in pets.


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