Pets with broken models

I have had a couple of my favorite pets broken for a while, and I figured I would try to drop the problem here. This mainly happened with the model updates. It hit a couple of pets much harder that intended.

It would be great if you could post some of the pets you know that are broken to, maybe we will get a blue to see this.

Macabre Marionette

It’s hat now clips half way into it’s skull, and clips through it’s whole body when it dances.

Toxic Wasteling

No longer grows. Not sure if this was intentional. But ever since the model updates when it eats a critter. That’s it… No more size increase.

Young Mutant Warturtle

It’s entire getup is messed up, it’s supposed to have the swords and bandanna.

The frog model has an incomplete jumping animation, remains suspended in the air for a bit longer and “lands” very abruptly. You can see it during casting cleansing rain.

That’s a strange one. You’d think since 90% of frogs have that skill it would work for them.

I notice a few of the team attack skills tend to slide the pets around randomly at times.

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