Phase 5 when?

Ragnaros is dead so are onyxia aswell.
Everyone made rank 10 in pvp.
So im asking.
Phase 5 when?


probably in 2-3month

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A lot of people didn’t even step into MC yet because of the day it was released. If you cleared and are done and geared so quick I’m sure you can find another game to enjoy.

Try one of them korean mmos, I’m sure that will hold your attention for a couple hundred years…


Great b8 m8 i r8 8/8

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You are joking right ? :joy::joy:, you must be


When regular people complete most objectives, a.k.a. in 3 months

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The goal is never to kill the final boss, It is to get BiS gear.

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The goal is to have fun. Many dont know what that is.
If you rushed to the finishing line in two week and start complaining? Then you have a serious problem.
Quit wow and get a life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


People 1 month ago: oh nooo we hate to farm MC 2 times per week, change it to 1 per week asap! :sob:
People now: oh shieeet we are back at raid logging, nothing to do - phase 5 when? :sob:


and that’s imo Why i think all gear should be added to that coin vendor.

It keeps people logging on for their daily Coin grind and gives people stuff to do between raids.

I have to admit I was one of those

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meh. they can release all the raids and gear at once. i think p4 was great fun and i really appreciated that mc was not open.

all the people were leveling “pvp-ing” and doing what they can for t0 and t0.5.

and now… for me at least, it is done. since mc opened the min-max parsers are going wild again. and that is just so… bleh
ppl were just chill running ubrs and co. and now its all, LFM MC heat lvl 1 bring, worldbuffs, all cons, exp and min 200 fire res. (for some odd reason?).
dps meters being discussed to the last details. gosh…
makes me wonder if these ppl raid the way they shag (worldbuff, cons, addons, dps meter).

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