Phase 8 - Tier 4 should have x4 empty set bonus slots

My vision for Tier 4 is that it should have x4 empty set bonus slots that will be able to be enchanted with the current “shoulder” enchants purchased with Argent Dawn Valor Tokens.

Currently there are so many classes that revolves and rely on specific tier bonuses for them to even function in specific areas, so this solves that problem.

With complete freedom to use set bonuses however you want it truly brings a unique feel of customization to your character we haven’t seen before.

If the developers feel like it they can of course mix in some completely new set tier bonuses that is offered from the vendor for us to use.


Why argent dawn?

It makes sense since the Scarlet Crusade, and by extension the Scarlet Enclave, revolves around EPL and its opposing enemy faction - The Argent Dawn. It’s also not like Naxxramas and its invasion will become irrelevant. But sure, if they want to sell it for anything else then go ahead - it’s just a suggestion that makes sense.

I don’t think its a good design. Why call it “set bonus” then , if they are not about this exact set? If you want t1 set bonus - use t1. Yes you lose some stats but if bonus really worth it you will use it. If you can use all best set bonuses with best stats, i think it will be out of control.

So fun raiding when you don’t even equip the gear that drop, eh?

SoD is already out of control with classes dependent on set bonuses. Let us shine with them whilst also enjoying the satisfactory feeling of aquiring new loot from the new raid.

Thats the problem with overpowered set bonuses, they become mandatory.

To me they should just release the core forged system for all tier sets at the launch of the new phase.

So once P8 starts.
You should be able to change your pieces for previous tier bonuses.

If they keep with the logic of 6pc being insanely relevant in current raid, will encourage people to use the tier in the current content. Then swap it out at the start of new phase for you bis bonuses