Phase needs to be removed and mega serves should be a thing

I swear to god my alt gets ganked by a fully geared max level warrior and so i thought let me log my main and we’ll have a good 1v1 but nope… EVERY ONE OF MY MAINS IS IN A DIFFERENT GODDAM PHASE!!!

it makes the world feel fake


I approve of this message! In general phasing should only be used as a last resort to avoid server crashing and instability…!


Make world pvp great again!

this whole thing REALLY started rubbing me wrong in BFA, when warmode was made, and then they sharded A TON of people from each realm…

i was trying to fight a friend i know in the alliance that streams and i could not find it EVER because of phasing sharding crossrealm, we had both WM on, and we were on the same realm, but i could never meet him, i never understood WHY

because i could see people from OTHER realms, and that made no sense, the realm was 80% alliance populated, so why the f am i seeing alliance from multiple realms, and then, i don’t see alliance FROM MY realm… how the fk is that even a thing…?

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