Phase two should be delayed until new year

New Years is too early even. My guild has ~170 people, and less than 10 level 60 characters. This is turning into a rushing game like all of Blizzard’s other games. Either you play from day 1 and dedicate your life to it, or you might as well give up.
March 1st would be a reasonable time for phase 2, and then August/September for phase 3.

Oh, another entitled post that Blizzard should delay Phase 2 because jobs and family and kids and fishes to feed.

Well, guess what? There are lots lvl 60 already who has the same exact real life “problems”. So, why should we wait you and alike?! There will ALWAYS be someone ahead of you, no matter what.

Moreso, is the fact that Phase 2 will NOT stop you to level to 60 or gather flowers and … “gardening” your character, etc.

Oh, are you afraid that PvP will be more intense?! Well … if you are playing on a PvP server, you have literally no right to cry over it. Roll to a PvE server and problem solved.

WHY is it that we, other PAYING customers, like you, have to be treated different then …casuals?! We have the same rights as you do, so stop this entitled little kid attitude and play the game. And also, tell me 1 Good reason as to why they should hold on releasing Phase 2. One !


No, thank you. If they do that me and probably most people will leave them game. A lot of people came back to classic because of the whole experience of classic. Not less than a half. Im not going yo stay here waiting a year for phase 3.

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I have a time consuming job and a fam so i rolled on a pve sever… why roll a pvp sever if your dont have the time

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