Phasing and warmode are destroying the game

Ahh, avoid the question and deflect with a bit of a personal attack. Couldn’t back up your allegation huh…

Colour me surprised.

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Move the goalpóst much? Just dont post.

There was no personal attack thrown at you.

I am saying hwo it is with you because you had arguements with OP in another topic.

yeah its really unfun they do it like that. today felt like i log in any other day.

Yes! it is true, I now lived more than 10 years in my life in a depressed / semi depressed state. I’ve had other issues IRL that have noting to do with who I am personnaly but that were problems to overcome and I also suffered a lot from people like you who keep spreading hate at every corner and everywhere they can, mainly back in schoole where I was being harassed, spat on, stuff thrown in my face and alone most of the time. Yes I am “insecure”, I am not ashamed about saying it, I don’t have any friend and lost contact with family and the “online world” is all I have left so if you can stay respectful, I’d really appreciate.

I hate politics, I never voted in my life and I don’t want to be linked with any kind of politics. You opened a sexist post saying how women have to look like to please you and this is what I was refering to. I have no idea what leftist mentality means, I might have been living in a cave for too long.

And now I cant do The Ladder at the theater of pain, thanks to this wm/phase bug!


Actually they do, unlsss something is breaking the forums tos they can post whatever they like… Baffles me why youd read it then though esp with the title of the post clearly stating what it’s about

I sure can claim we right here are having social interactions cause of said “probleme”.

The OP overreacting.

OP posted a game breaking bug in this case.

That needs fixing.


I am sure you understand that, right?

Or do you not?

Cause I dont have social interaction in a game because people think other people arnt in WM. or non WM…

And I started my own group - Same problem.

Yet other people can smh see each other.

And you cant do social stuff in game when you barely see anyoner in your shard.


Not sure how people do not understand that?

Game breaking bug,lol.

To each there own.I had my fair share of interactions and grouping.
But for now immersion beats overcrowded zones by a mile.

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Or… it may jsut not happen to you?

How do you know?

Maybe its smt behind Blizzards MM in certain aspect.

Ironically they don’t phase important events like stealthing around the Maw. Its lovely getting 1 shot by mobs because some blueberry turd pulls it and it aoes the entire area

What am I lying about? Why would I lie here?
It is an anonymous testimony, I have no reason to lie, there is zero chance that people who know me will find it.

Enough to go with the cheesy warmode! :smiley:

Yes I have some mental illness indeed along with personnality disorders. “shrugs”

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