Phasing in Stormwind

Literally the title-. Why did they Phase our server here? I figured RP would be popping off at the moment but the phasing makes it look dead. :c


Honestly, it happens every time we have a new Pre-Patch or expansion. Blizz have said they don’t want to phase RP realms, but it happens every time anyway. Give it a while, and hopefully they fix it before the actual expansion launches.


To what I recall at first they stopped us from being Sharded / Phased but it got too much so they reimplemented it…I could be wrong and they stopped it and only sharded for the pre-event / starter of an Expansion.

It’s this.
And current content zones I believe.


This is the important bit. Any zone that is an active part of playing the latest patch gets phasing re-enabled until the next patch. In this case, that means all of Kalimdor and all of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Fortunately prepatch will be pretty short.


This a common occurrence during a high volume of players arriving at the same phase, pushing others to more empty phases, which is why some are making roleplay raid groups.

And it’s needed.
Without sharding during things like prepatch when there’s loads of people coming into the zone the lag gets so bad you’d not be able to RP comfortably anyway.

It’ll be gone in a few weeks and things will return to normal

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Time to check out the smaller hubs I suppose!


One way to counter this is to set up an RP raid group in lfg or something, maybe advertise it in SW general.

It wont be perfect and your not going to get everyone in it, but itll help more RPers show up in the city.

On a side note, considering how AD is an rp realm, throwing up systems that essentially nuke rpers to nothingland is pretty meh tier

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When I was in Badlands on Wednesday the whole zone crashed and there were mini rollbacks, due to the amount of people in the zone (no one plays WoW, remember?). So I think it might be needed at the moment.

Of course not helped that people start cross-realm groups on our RP realm, when there was no layering happening at the time :smiley:


From what I saw last night a lot of people have moved to Duskwood. And I also heard that there’s suppose to be a growing number of people in Redridge too. Not had the time to check it yet. Westfall seems like it usually is however.

So you don’t wanna bother with the phasing in Stormwind I’d recommend checking Duskwood and Redridge.

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Just remind Blizzard a week or so after the launch that sharding is supposed to be off on roleplay servers, in case they forget about it.

Always happens on and before expac launches so the server isn’t in a perpetual loop of crashing or about to crash.


To prevent servers from crashing, happens every time we get new exp and where said content takes place.

Also where there is a lot of players.
I can only recommend to not RP in these areas, a good excuse to make use of Dalaran for example!

You do not, really want to RP where current content takes place.
For many reasons, and this is but one of them!

Honestly, I understand the need for phasing. But there are absolutely ways around this that would allow RPers to RP. There’s examples all over the world where you can talk to an NPC and cause a phase switch. (Old Badlands, for example?)

I appreciate the need for it. But Blizz have entirely taken away the ability to do open world Rp in Stormwind as we did.

Blizz, please, do something! Make an NPC we can talk too that will send us to a certain phase, or -something- please? :slight_smile:

I guess there’s always the garrison.

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People used to use the Garrison when it happened before, normally Blizzard turns our phasing down quite fast after the initial release but right now, we’re having floods of people.


They aren’t actually sharded right now. That’s the reason day one of pre-patch managed to continuously crash Kalimdor and EK. Of all the gamers I’ve known was present in a zone, we saw each other.

Stormwind is phased, not sure about Orgrimmar. Guess they forgot about classic zones (where pre-patch event actually happens) but re-enabled it in Stormwind.

This is true. Duskwood and Redridge have seen a sharp uptick in RP activity because of this.

SW Org, the invasion zones and sometimes the adjacent regions are.
I’ve had to invite myself over to a group in Searing Gorge because it was sharded last night.