Hey guys i m playing on my hunter and have done the intro questline to broken isle on it. and i have this issue where the stormwind docks will not go back to normal. it stays as if i never assaulted the broken isle and watched the king die… which i did. even finnished 1 and a half zone before going onto BFA to quest onward. my hunter is the only one with this issue. no other character have this issue even though they did the exact same thing. i have checked around on google and found no answear. tryed to contact support and got no real help. i even did try to talk to the dude which gives you the option to skip the intro to legion over and over… up to 15 times now… still does not change the stormwind docks. anyone with a sollution which i havent tryed?
I have the same issue with my shaman and priest
assuming you have had no such luck as finding a solution?
assumed right
does characters of yours. do they happen to have gone trough Korak’s revenge at a time to get a quick boost in the exp?. thats the only difrence i can think of when it comes to my hunter and every other character
I dont think so
hmm… eh i hope i find a solution. if not then i might delete the character and level a new one. i will see what blizz says. but having bugged characters aint a thing i fancy
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