Phoenix of the Sun - recruiting ( Emerald dream EU)


Phoenix of the sun is currently recruiting new members to join us in our rampage in Azeroth.

Some info about us:

Phoenix of the sun was founded almost 20 years ago as a PVE guild. Our biggest goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for our members to play in.

For us the person behind the character or role they play is more important. We strive to include anyone in our activities.

We understand that life happens so we don’t make joining any activity mandatory. We apply a flexible approach and welcome any players who want a balance between gaming and real-life responsibilities.

Phoenix of the sun is a casual guild. We like to progress raid content ( normal / heroic) . with a focus on clearing HC. We are a social guild that raids, not a dedicated raiding guild. This means raiding is optional; we have no mandatory attendance, no ‘skill trials’ and so on. Anyone who wants to raid is welcome.
Occasional groups of mythic + are set up during the week as well.

Not a big fan of raiding or mythic + , but enjoy farming old content , getting achievements, … Phoenix of the sun can be the potential home for you. We encourage any type of gameplay.

As a social guild our overriding goal is to have fun, help each other out and just enjoy our time in Azeroth.

Most of us have reached a mature age. We have almost 20 years of history, friendships built, relationships formed and we do hold in real life meet ups.
We also have a discord so we can keep in touch outside of Azeroth.

Recruitment Needs:

  • Any role
  • Language: English
  • Raid Schedule: Mondays and Thursdays from 20:00 to 23:00.

If you like to join us and apply you can reach us in our discord :
Or on our forum:

Hopefully see you soon!

Hi there

I’ve just come back to the game to play TWW and I am looking for a new guild, yours sounds like it might be up my street. I am looking for something that can balance real life (I work a busy job in legal) and optional raiding, but most of all I am looking for a friendly group of people who care about humans behind the screen :slight_smile:

I am currently levelling an alt (focussing on Holy Priest rather than the Shaman I think you can see me reply as here) which I intend to raid with. Would you consider this character for the guild or would you rather it was maxed/geared first?

Look forward to hearing from you c:

Hiya Silvanni.

You can apply to our guild no matter what level character you have or ilevel. :slight_smile:

We are happy to help getting you up and ready for raiding if you want to join in on the fun!

We have a flexible approach to our raids. An attendance is not mandatory.

I believe our guild will be right up your street :slight_smile:

Hey Cersej

That sounds fab, you sound like a really friendly group. If it is best to make an application through your Discord / website, I’ll do that right away :slight_smile:

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Hiya . You can choose.

But the discord will probably be the liveliest :slight_smile:

Hi Cersej

Your guild sound like a good place. Unfortunately the discord link is invalid or expired

I have numerous capped toons that all need a new home. Im very into healing, and would love a team for m+ and possibly raiding.

Hiya Itchu

We do raiding ( N/ HC) . There’s also some occasional m+ , but we’re not a group that really pushes for high keys etc. :slight_smile:

The new link if you’re still interested :slight_smile: :

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We are still recruiting new friends to play with :slight_smile:

Updated discord link: