PHOTO UP anniversary achiev

hello, this achiev despite not need ALL PORTALS to visit i still wanna visit them all, but the portal to TIRAGARD SOUND does NOT WORKING!!! its the same name TIRAGARD in achievement AND portal name… second time i mean rotation the same pop up message “You can’t do that right now.” MOST PROPABLE because the entire ZONE where that portal leads is called TIRAGARDE SOUND which propably might be the case WHY THE PORTAL DOES NOT WORK… possible FIX for that miss-spelling in names?

The portal does work. But for some reason though, you have to be alliance and have completed to a certain part of the Tiragarde Sound questline.

Yep you need to be alliance and complete questing in tiragarde sound
I was trying with all my alts and then i remembered during BFA i was playing on ravencrest my aliance rogue and i did everything alliance there
went on that rogue and boom portal worked like a charm…

O…K… then why other zones work on horde and this one not? despite there is still miss spelling in the name mentioned above?