Photosynthesis is overpowered

Loads of people give negative reviews, and calls flourish, and germ better choices for raiding.

Not sure what they are on about, if I play my druid right, using photosynthesis, I can get logs that reach 95+ Hardly ever had a chance using flourish, nor germaniation.

And the usual outcome is me not overhealing more than any other healer, and me being the top healer, as well. The issue I do take with it is the use of mana, mana is burned so fast, if you actively try to play your best in raids with photo, or at least in my experience.

Other than that, more people should give the talent a try, I bet it will be a better choice over flourish and germ in many cases.

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You could get orange logs with no talents if your raid takes enough damage and you are not overhealing. Getting 95% log is a bad argument for picking a talent. You could run prosperity in raid and get orange log, it doesnt mean that it was the right choice.

But in all seriousness, ppl dont use germination for raids as far as I know and there is one thing going for flourish vs photo which is how encounters in general work. Its not constant aoe damage but big bursts every couple mins which just prefers the playstyle of using a really strong cooldown vs something that gives you a constant benefit.
If the fight was a Varimathras then maybe i could imagine using photo instead of flourish.

Beating on top of the HPS meter also doesnt tell us anything about a talent because your cohealers are probably just not as good as you are.
Or looking at your Grong log, 2 of your healers dropped dead during the fight and you were 4 healing it.
Doesnt mean that your playstyle is optimal at all. Your mana problems are coming from playing abundance and having regrowth as your top healing spell on all the bosses you do.


I have never achieved, or earned orange logs, before using photo. I find it more suitable for most raid encounters.

As for abundance, I have never had as much of an issue with mana using other talents, with abundance. Germination, flourish. Its first when I introduced photo to my talent-setup that my mana started being an outright issue. and not manage-able.

Not sure if its the other healers issues. But my healing seems much better using photo, but the raid also seems to need a lot of spot healing, which is why I use abundance, and regrowth else they would’ve died.

Can’t tell.

LOL indeed xD

I can see Photosynthesis working in Raid setting if your raid lacks a dedicated tank/spot healer. Paired with Prosperity and SotF.

But since this spot is often filled by classes more capable at that niche, flourish is a better choice for our role in the healing environment of the raid.

Photosynthesis is still the go to talent for M+ though.

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Prosperity is the worst talent for any content. Sotf or not it should never be picked.
After using up the first charges you get 1 extra swiftmend every 2-3 mins and lose out on 4-6 cenarion wards in return.
Abundance is also better than prosperity.

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Your job is not to spotheal in a raid.

Mana issues are usually a problem with your playstyle and not with your talent choices.
Ofc it also depends on your cohealers and how bad your raid is, but its just not your job to spotheal.
Photo doesnt affect your mana usage.

Getting orange logs is not about talent choices but on the situation of the fight. Like as i said earlier, you got orange log on grong because your cohealers dropped dead.


Actually Prosperity and Sotf is the go to talent for Arenas so technically it is viable for some kind of content :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .

Also Prosperity is a good choice for M+ during Grievous weeks when you might need to top more than 2 people fast.

For raiding of course is a no go, but I exclusively talked about a very niche role that a Druid normally never occupies.

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Im ofc talking about pve, and not pvp and there prosperity is just a no go doesnt matter what content you do. For grievous i would go with abundance without thinking, for bigger and cheaper regrowths on a week when we have to spam a lot of regrowths anyway.

If you wanna go spothealer for raid you still wouldnt choose prosperity.
Its referred as the trap talent by experts for pve, and using it is really not recommended.

I think this whole tread was about pve so i ofc was talking about pve also.

I was just being playful with the PvP content example, you are right this is a PvE thread.

Abundance as you said is great for mana efficiency, but Prosperity is actually used by high key M+ players during encounters or weeks that require fast burst healing.

Its a niche talent 95% of the time we can agree on that, but it has specific use in some content.
You can check Zmokamok on his 8.1.5 guide and how he uses it on certain occasions. He does up to +24 keys.

Im sure top players will find something useful for niche situations as ex tree of life for huge pulls on the mdi. It just doesnt apply for most of the playerbase and most dungeon runs. So as a general advice would just be not to go with it for any pve :slight_smile:

My job is definitely spot healing.
Many, and I base this off of Method players, and my improvement as a resto druid. Many people believe druids are all about AOE healing, and you have to pre-heal.

Its not even remotely true. Spot healing is very important as a druid, especially on progress, and first kills. And abudance makes that ten times easier. Its how you spot heal, and I usually do it too much.

As for pre-healing, its such wasted mana most of the time, either for you or your other healers, as some will heal at the same time. So keeping aoe healing on full potential during heavy (periods of DMG) is the way to go. Pre-healing inc heavy DMG is not so good, especially with monks added to the healing rotation. It should be during it.

And my sources are method players guides, and how I improved tenfolds by actually doing what they told me in those guides.

As for photo, I don’t use it on tanks. I use it on myself, to make all my heals tick faster on the raid during heavy DMG. To my knowledge it affects already placed, and newly placed stack of periodical healing effects.

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Idk what you on about right now. I was talking about prosperity being a bad talent in this conversation.

And druids SHOULD prehot before aoe phase comes in because otherwise you fall behind. Rejuving your group up AFTER aoe comes in is a bad idea, you need to prepare ~10 seconds in advance. Rotating innervate and flourish and incarnation tranq with prehots and wild growths as damage hit is most of your healing done during a fight.
And then spamming solar wrath while keeping up hots on tank and shroom on the ground for low damage phases to save mana.

You have good healing on ex. tanks and priority targets but healing up a dps who didnt have your rejuv up before and they dropping low is not worth to spotheal most of the time. Other healers can deal with that situation better. And thats what i was talking about.

With abundance you still need ~5 rejuvs out to make it worth casting without clearcasting proc and you still need to think ahead and prehot all the same. Its still what druid is about and you cant play it good before you plan ahead.

I never said it anywhere that if you need to save someones life during progression or whatever you wouldnt do it. Ofc you will cast a regrowth or swiftmend to save someone.

How is prehotting wasted exactly if you need the healing for those phases? What having a monk has to do with anything?
Lets not talk about overhealing an encounter cause then you might aswell go dps.

You are kind of contradicting yourself saying prehealing is not worth it and then saying keeping aoe heal at full potential is the way to go.
Yeah, which would mean you prerejuv for those phases and use your cooldowns there? Even if you are running photo you lose a lot of healing if you start spamming rejuv after the aoe started. It will be over before you actually healing for anything.

I dont think i read any method guide recently but i follow the resto druid discord and questionablyepic and there are professional resto druids there who are doing all the maths and guides. I will trust them more than method’s random videos.
I still have memories of their made up video of how healers will look like in BoD and then he used microsoft paint and huge guessing work. Cant take them seriously after that.
They are just hunting on ppl to click on their videos for money.

Feel free to send me the link to this guide cause im curious to read it. And then link it to resto discord for funs if it really contains some questionable things like what you said.


I think you are playing the wrong class friend.
Druid was always about proactive healing and anticipating damage. That’s how all of his toolkit works.

Saying it’s a waste makes you look like you do not understand how proactive healing works or why it has a staple role in raiding…


when progressing mana is the main issue for resto druids… so right there u point out one fo the very importnat flaws of this talent, the other being having to keep lifebloom on urself . lifebloom is by far the top heal on tank so losing that is no good considering lifebloom on urself will be almost 90% overheal =)

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u literally need to pre hot to take full adavantage of ur aoe healing
i rly suggest u re read how your mastery works

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