Pickpocketing in Shadowlands

Hi I haven’t been playing a rogue for some time and while for example legion had a lot of fun things and special currency for pickpocketing i can’t seem to find any real information about in in shadowlands. Is it worth to do or is it just small pocketchange?

Completely worthless ability this expansion.

There are 1-2 transmog weapons (recolors) you can get from pick-pocketing.


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Pick pocket is as useful as death from above :smiley:

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Actually death from above is more useful you can dodge some CC with DoA if you are good at timing it

Yet to find this mans tale of Transmog, sad day.

Imagine reading beta patch notes where they reworked pickpocket so that you will eventually pick a special currency which buffs your next vial eg.: a little of stats for the duration, hot + direct heal, longer duration with more %, shorter duration and thus faster healing, immunity to bleeds/diseases etc… And intended to work in pvp too as you could steal that currency from a player. What a great mechanics to increase the lacking survivability of the other two speces (sin/OL) and reworking the dead ability.

And yet they scrapped it and used the dev resources to invent AP I mean Anima Power which has AP as an abbreviation … AP…AP…AP…Artifact power? Azerite Power? 35AP per run? Grind? Filling the Anima Reservoir would break the game?


Fear’s Heartpiercer (1h sword - rapier recolor)

And supposedly a dagger I don’t know the name of.

Holy heck, regardless these Colors match so many of the Venthyr mogs it pogger, from what I’ve gotten Halls of Atonement area as well as the Scorched Bandits have these recolorsk get pocketing rogues

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