Are you just a bit average?
Do you often come in second place?
Is your meme game stronger than your DPS?
Then boy, do we have the guild for you! Piecie Toxic is recruiting fellow mediocre adventurers on Tarren Mill - Horde who may not always top the meters but definitely top the charts in quality banter.
After years of grinding in Classic WoW, we finally realized that nostalgia can only carry you so far… and boredom brought us here! Now, we’re diving into Mythic+ dungeons and setting our sights on raid progression as we grow our roster.
We’re a casual-but-capable group that values fun, progression (eventually), and top-tier meme content in guild chat. Whether you’re a mythic raider who occasionally forgets mechanics or a PvPer who “almost” won that 1v1, you’ll fit right in!
Join us for raids, dungeons, PvP, and questionable life choices. All skill levels welcome—especially if you’re here for the laughs.
DM for more info or apply today!
u can also add me on battlenet : aventurier#240801910