Semi-Casual 2-day raiding guild is looking for members!
Wednesday: 20:00-23:00 ST.
Thursday: 20:00-23:00 ST.
Loot distribution by council.
Who are we?
We are a stack of players with a long list of endgame raiding experience, both retail and classic and we are looking to tackle TBC in a more relaxed fashion.
What do we want to achieve?
We want to clear all current content in 2 days of raiding (Eventually), whilst not requiring everyone to have their characters locked to absolute min-max culture.
For example: You wont be required to have tailoring as a caster, or blacksmithing as an enhance shaman (However if you do, we will take it into account distributing loot)
We will not demand drums.
We will not demand scrolls.
We WILL use a reasonably optimized raidsetup.
What do we want from you?
We want raiders with some wow raiding experience whom put care into their characters, but still want some freedom of choice. We expect that you can communicate with us reliably and generally work towards self improvement, both character and gameplay.
Currently recruiting:
1 Feral tank
1 Hunter
1 Mage
And any social raiders who wouldnt mind playing every once in awhile.
If you are not among these classes, but feel like its the right place for you, come talk to us!
Uldin#2791 Bnet
Uldinr/Uld/Uldin ingame
Discord: gc9DEdbChN