Pink Elekk Help


I’ve bought into the pink elekk hype and been trying to tame one, but I can’t seem to reach the Grim Guzzler. I’ve watched a couple of videos on how to get there but every time I try to get from the East to West Garrison, the way is blocked. Is there something I have to do or am I going the wrong way?

Please help, I really want my pink elekk pet!

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The blockage - I assume you speak of the swing door. On your way you go through one door and enter a room with stairs going up on right side. Here past beneath the stairs is the mechanism - a cog wheel you need to interact with.

If you want, we can group up in-game and I can show you.

This one helped me find it :slight_smile:

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Awww thank you for posting this :+1:

Didn’t realise where these came from, saw a few hunters with them today, so popped in twice and got myself 2 - called them Candy and Flossy :grinning::+1:
… probably took me less than 15 minutes to have both.

OMG I can’t believe it was that simple but I’ve found it and got my nice pink pachyderms, thank you so much everyone!


I went and got it yesterday, it’s been so long since I’d been in BRD I got lost for a few minutes.

I got lost myself to be honest. I have no idea how I found it afterwards, a video only got me halfway and I found the rest by myself. as jumping out the window no longer works.

I wish I can help you but it’s really late at night.

I hope you find it :heart_decoration:

Edit; never mind I heard you got it

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