Pink hair and beard dwarf

Blizzard should add pink color option to dwarfs. Especially with the new love witch tmog it is a must now also humans has it why we as dwarfs dont have it

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We all need pink hair!!!

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And hot pink hair at that not this wishy washy blergh they keep giving out!

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Yeah nah
We need back hair customization more than anything else, then we’ll be 110% perfect

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There are few things my eyes could stand looking at…

Top of that list is Afenton tiptoeing through the tulips, the other would be a pink bearded dwarf…


You do realize that adding the same three hair colors to another class will cost us half a raid tier, yes? Of course it will also give the devs the opportunity to once again advertise “new custonisation options” as a big thing for an upcoming patch, so I’m sure you won’t have to wait long.

They are simple options to add but i absolutely hate the idea of seeing characters with ugly bright colored hair like that. Gnomes having pink hair options already were bad enough.

People are likely to disagree with me but i dont think we should be allowed to use every color in a rainbow as haircolors for every race. Theres already enough crazy rainbow hair people irl, no need to put them in game

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Pink is an ugly color, IMO.

I too want it!!

Strictly to pest a redhead loony all day long, in cooperation with a certain local apothecary…

And it better be a real pink! Talking about the Barbie movie kind of color here…

Yes, I know we elves already have pink at home…

Admit it, this would make everyone fall in love with jaina.


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Or if you want everyone to absolutely melt whenever she appeared on screen…


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It looks stupid on her, well atleast the hair would serve as a literal red flag when she was mentally unstable after theramore was blown up. Just like bright hair does irl

World of Pinkcraft? No, thank you.

I was excited for the new colours but they are meh. I love that in Palworld my char has very bright pink hair because I can set it to whatever I want.

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